PPE Distribution Update

Last Updated: May 5, 2020Categories: ppe-projectTags: 2.3 min read

Good News: We received a shipment that has cleared US Customs! Bad News:  it did not contain the balance of our entire order as we had hoped.  In order to maximize resources (and the goodwill of our Volunteers) we have decided to wait for the flight expected this week.  The plan is to distribute the combined shipments the weekend of May 15th – we will keep you posted.  This should cover 95% of the orders to date!  Check this site and your email daily.

I’d like to address some questions we’ve received about the masks and shields.

REGARDING MASKS – why KN95s instead of N95s? Are they as safe?  How do we know they are adequate?  And others in the same vein.

The best answers are here  Comparison_FFP2_KN95_N95_Filtering_Facepiece_Respirator_Classes and here MOKE KN95 Spec Sheet20200428.2  and the certificates on the order form https://www.dropbox.com/home/CCMS%20Info%20for%20Charleston%20County%20Community/PPE%20Project%20by%20CCMS

Regarding the ‘switch’ to KN95s – we announced that early on and it has turned out to be a good thing.  There are 25,000 (!) new factories in China producing PPE now – not all legit of course.  If you notice most stories are about fake N95s.  The demand has created a distorted market/black market/grey market.  The lots that are more likely to be seized by FEMA are of N95s for those same reasons and because newly created import companies have tried to bring them into the US by the millions.

There is little incentive to falsify KN95’s so the prices are closer to ‘real’ which is why we all get 2x whatever number we ordered of N95s.

Regarding our Distributor in Palo Alto, CA – I have developed a lot of confidence throughout this process.   They have extensive experience in getting businesses INTO China and so are highly trusted there.  They are bonded with US Customs and have a lot to lose if dealing in forgeries, etc.  The following chart is good information as well:

REGARDING SHIELDS:  These are Made in USA and, unfortunately, most did not reach Charleston in time for the first distribution.  We are looking at various ‘last mile delivery’ options directly to our offices.  We may have to wait until the second distribution if we can’t find a suitable solution.

To the very best of our ability we have done and continue due diligence. If there are specific issues with your order, let us know. Be gentle with your concerns – remember everyone involved in Action PPE SC is a VOLUNTEER and want to do this right.

I appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience.

Marcelo Hochman MD


843.819.4666 mobile

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