The Charleston County Medical Society (CCMS), founded in 1951, is a lineal descendant of the first medical society of the state, the Medical Society of South Carolina (MSSC).
This older society was established in Charleston in 1789 with a view to developing a statewide membership. In 1848 it became one of the component district societies, which made up the South Carolina Medical Association (SCMA). When the districts of the state were divided into counties, the Medical Society of South Carolina assumed the status of a county society.
In this capacity it continued to function until 1951. In that year the complexities of managing Roper Hospital, which it owned, had become sufficiently great enough that a new and independent group dedicated entirely to the organizational affairs of physicians and their patients was needed.
The Charleston County Medical Society was created for that purpose and replaced the older society as the local unit of the South Carolina Medical Association while the Medical Society of South Carolina has continued to operate Roper Hospital, The SCMA is, in turn,a component of the American Medical Association (AMA). Thus it is through the local, state, and national associations that individual physicians are represented in their efforts to improve medical care to their patients.
Charleston County Medical Society has successfully evolved from a society to organize physicians for scientific and professional purposes to an organization called upon to lead the community in health related issues.
Executive Committee Members
Active Reporting Committees
Bylaw and Nominating (Dr. Biemann Othersen)
City of Charleston Health and Wellness (Dr. Kay Durst)
Health Disparities (Dr. Thaddeus Bell)
Legislative (Dr. Marcelo Hochman and Dr. Cleave Ham)
Medico-Legal (Dr. Marcelo Hochman and Dr. Cleave Ham)
CCMS Membership (Dr. Justine DeCastro, President Elect)
Public Health (Dr. Robert Ball)
School Health (Dr. Janice Key and Dr. Katharyn Ouzts)
All CCMS Committees
Inter-Professional Relations Standing Committee
This Committee will oversee all CCMS activities related to the roles of physicians in the community
Community Service Committee
Works to improve services to the community and design a plan to provide medical care to the indigent population within Charleston County
Hospital Relations Committee
Works to develop and maintain effective and constructive communications between Medical University and private components of the Charleston medical community
Medico-Legal Committee
Periodically meets with the Charleston County Bar Association to discuss mutual interests and advise, if possible, members on medical/legal questions.
Young Physicians Committee
Women in Medicine Committee
Provides an opportunity for women to meet and discuss mutual interest
Public Health Standing Committee
Disaster & Emergency Care Committee
Coordinates the disaster plans in area)
Public Health / Environmental Health Committee [View activity…]
Health Disparities Committee
Addresses issues that affect minorities. [View activity…]
School Health Committee
An advisory board to Charleston County School District on medical issues [View activity…]
Legislative Affairs Standing Committee
This Committee will coordinate the activities of the CCMS with local, state and national lawmakers. The purpose will be to inform members about political issues that affect physicians and their practice, inform legislators about health-related issues, and educate the public about the health implications of legislative actions [View activity… ]
Policy & Procedures Standing Committee
Constitution & By-Laws Committee
Prepares constitutional and by-laws changes as directed by the Executive Committee or the Society
Membership Committee
Works on recruitment of all physicians in Charleston County area and retention of all current members