Aging for Amateurs: A little about mental health in the time of COVID

A little about mental health in the time of COVID   By Bill Simpson, MD We are entering the third year of dealing with the COVID pandemic, and I say “we” because it really is you and me. We are all living with at least some level of chronic stress due just to our being alive at this time. Questions swirl through our minds — what will come after the omicron variant? Did I just get exposed at the grocery store? Should I get the next booster? Is this just the start of a whole host of new diseases? [...]

February 7, 2022|Categories: 2022, Covid-19, General, Member Highlights|Tags: , , |

Message from the School Health Committee

The Vaccines for Children program (VFC) provides federally purchased vaccines to approximately 50% of children in the United States, including children who are enrolled in Medicaid or who are uninsured or underinsured. CCSD is able to provide vaccines to students through VFC (thanks to Dr. Key), so that they can be up to date and eligible to attend school each year. The VFC was created in 1993, though, so it needs some updating. There’s a new federal bill called The Strengthening Vaccines for Children Program Act of 2021 (just introduced in the House as H.R. 2347, about to be introduced in the Senate) [...]

Mental Health Resource slides from Mayor’s Wellness Committee

Annie Lintzenich Andrews MD, MSCR CCMS Liaison with the City of Charleston Wellness Committee Due to COVID-19, more individuals are seeking mental health services. Click the link below for mental health resources available throughout the tri-county area.

March 3, 2021|Categories: 2021, Covid-19, Member Highlights, Public Health|Tags: |

Meet the CCMS Scholarship Recipients

CCMS awarded a $2,000 cash scholarship to each of these five medical students: M. Caroline Spitznagel, M4 Turner Rainwater Byers, M3 Austin McCadden, M4 Ryan Wilkins, M1 Lauren "Evey" Adams, M2 We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and perseverance! Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!

February 2, 2021|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |

PRESS RELEASE Black and Hispanic/Latino faculty urge communities of color to take the COVID-19 vaccine


January 14, 2021|Categories: 2021, Covid-19, General, Healthcare Disparities, Public Health|Tags: |

CCMS in the News

An SC doctors’ group banded together to crack its PPE problem. The idea caught on. Amid ongoing PPE crisis, doctor-led efforts focus on needs of smaller healthcare entities Charleston County Medical Society Forms Buying Group to Help Doctors Get Essential PPE DOCTOR-LED COLLECTIVE BUYING GROUP ACTIONPPE GIVES DENTAL PROFESSIONALS ACCESS TO NEEDED PPE

January 13, 2021|Categories: 2021, Covid-19, Marcelo Hochman MD, ppe-project|

Healthlinks January/February 2021

Check us out in the January/February 2021 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

January 5, 2021|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: |


Click the link below to schedule directly: https://mychart.musc.edu/mychart/openscheduling/SignupAndSchedule/EmbeddedSchedule?vt=11353&id=38335 Reason for visit: COVID VAX Insurance info - This is not a hard stop on the form.  Enter something. Use your mobile phone number as the contact number Take a screenshot of the appointment confirmation for your records. Bring some sort of identification that shows you are a healthcare worker (employment badge, a letter from medical practice, healthcare license), etc.  This is an honor system. -- Marcelo Hochman, MD President, CCMS

January 3, 2021|Categories: 2021, Covid-19, Public Health|Tags: , , |

End of the Year President’s Message

From the President: As we wind down 2020, this short newsletter is to alert you to some very important information. Again, as with PPE, non-employed Doctors seem to be having trouble figuring out how to get COVID vaccines for themselves and their Staff. We have worked with SCMA to get the information linked in this newsletter. In recognition of CCMS’ effort to obtain PPE for the Doctors in SC and in launching a national project for Doctors around the country, we have been honored as Healthcare Heroes in the COVID 19 response category. The links will take you [...]

December 22, 2020|Categories: 2020, Marcelo Hochman MD, President|Tags: |

Medical Students Scholarship

We are delighted to have over 60 medical students as CCMS members. At the Annual Meeting, we will be awarding $2,000 scholarships to five medical students. The recipients may use these funds at their discretion. Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!

December 21, 2020|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |

Annual Meeting

The CCMS Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, January 21, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in a new virtual format. The meeting will include: President's Report Officers Elected $10,000 Scholarships Awarded Discussion CON/Non-Compete Clauses Remember Physicians That Passed Away In 2020 To access this virtual event on your mobile device, follow the instructions below. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE EVENTEE APP ON YOUR iPhone or Android. SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH EVENTEE OR:If you prefer to watch the annual meeting on your computer, click here.

December 21, 2020|Categories: 2020|

How Do Independent Physicians Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The SCMA has been sending out information on registering to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for several weeks. With the arrival of the vaccine this week, physicians have had many questions these last few days. Below is a list of the questions we are getting a lot of, along with the answers, in hopes of helping everyone through this process. Please note #3: How does my office receive the vaccine for our practice - physicians and staff? First and foremost, you cannot be in the pool to receive the vaccine if you do not enroll in the vaccine program. To [...]

December 21, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: , |

COVID-19 Vaccinations for Physicians and Staff

Please see the latest information from DHEC regarding physician and staff enrollment for the COVID-19 Vaccine Read: Vaccine Enrollment Letter (11-19-2020) Read: COVID19 Vaccine Enrollment Letter Dr. Linda Bell (10-28-2020)

December 16, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: , |

CCMS Officers To Be Elected

Charleston County Medical Society 2020 Annual Meeting – Election of Directors and Officers The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Charleston County Medical Society (“CCMS”) has been scheduled for January 14, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for the safety of CCMS members, the Board of Directors has decided to hold the Annual Meeting virtually, by videoconference. In light of the virtual format, the Board of Directors is providing these electronic ballots to enable CCMS’ voting members (“Membership”) the opportunity to elect CCMS directors and officers in advance of the Annual Meeting. Those who seek to [...]

December 3, 2020|Categories: 2020|Tags: , , |

SCMA Involvement COVID/Vaccine/Planning Update

From: Richele Taylor, SCMA, General Counsel & Senior Vice President Of Advocacy & Communications ---- I know that everyone is busy, so I want to take a moment to highlight a few items the SCMA is currently working on/involved in. I have forwarded our last Alert that featured the top two items, as well as attaching a PDF on the third item of interest below. Please forward this email to other physicians and let them know the great things that the SCMA is involved in on COIVD-19 issues and the vaccine distribution. First, the SCMA is part of the [...]

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, Public Health|Tags: |


CCMS Members can feel proud of the fact that due to the success of our PPE PROJECT CCMS is able to award .... As the founder of the PPE PROJECT CCMS receives an ongoing donation reflective of sales – which is used for scholarships for deserving medical students. CCMS is pleased to announce that we will be awarding five cash scholarships to MUSC Medical Students. [Did you know that students can join CCMS for free?] Each student will be given a $2000 check directly to be used toward whatever needs they may have.  We feel that this direct aid [...]

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |

Speaker’s Bureau

The CCMS School Health Committee in conjunction with the Charleston County School District has developed a Speaker's Bureau. This is designed to allow physicians to virtually speak to parents and students about any health-related issue. The subject matter varies widely from gun safety to sun exposure. Please contact Dr. Janice Key or Dana Holladay if you are interested in speaking to the community through this unique program.  Or feel free to fill out the Substance Abuse/Mental Health Survey and we will contact you.

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, School Health|

PPE Liquidation

WE HAVE PPE FOR OUR MEMBERS! Thanks to several generous donations and our PPE Project group buying initiative, we now have an ample supply of PPE we are offering at a significantly discounted MEMBERS ONLY price. We are giving our members first dibs. (Not a member yet? JOIN NOW!) PPE for sale at a significant discount (average discount 50%) for MEMBERS ONLY.KN95 Masks (50 pack) $1.00 each - $50.00 BoxDisposable Tri-Fold Masks (50 pack) .15 each - $8.00 Box Disposable Non-medical Isolation Gowns (15 pack) $1.33 each - $20.00 BoxFace Shields (50 pack) .84 each - $42.00 BoxTo place an [...]

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Public Health|Tags: , , |

We’ve Been Nominated!

CCMS was nominated as a Healthcare Hero for our COVID response  - the PPE PROJECT which continues to this day! As the founder of the PPE PROJECT, CCMS receives a donation reflective of sales – this allows us to award scholarships to local medical students. CCMS is excited to report that we have been nominated as a Health Care Hero in the COVID Response Category. Get your free tickets to this event today!

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, Public Health|Tags: , |

Success! Townhall!

Our recent Townhall proved to be very informative and well-liked. The site had over 600 visits in the span of a week. That is an amazing increase of more than four times the normal visiting rate. The candidates graciously shared their time with us to answer your questions. Thank you for your input and interest.

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Legislative Affairs|Tags: , |

Charleston to Charleston Literary Festival

James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board Brochure

November 4, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: |

Healthlinks November/December 2020

Check us out in the November/December 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

November 1, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: |

November’s SHC Lunch Lecture -Dr. Zoher Kapasi

Register for the SHC Lunch Lecture here. Dr. Kapasi will be discussing the history of the College of Health Professions at November’s SHC Lunch Lecture.

October 21, 2020|Categories: 2020, General|Tags: , |

The Pandemic Century

REGISTER HERE The Waring Historical Library is co-sponsoring this event with the Charleston to Charleston Literary Festival. 

October 20, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: , , |

Waring Library Society Summer 2020 Newsletter

James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board Read Entire Newsletter Here

September 3, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Member Highlights, Public Health|Tags: , |

Healthlinks September/October 2020

Check us out in the September/October 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

September 3, 2020|Categories: 2020, General, Public Health|Tags: |

PPE Donated to the Charleston County School District

Ellen Nitz Director of Nursing Services   CCMS was pleased to be able to donate 1000 non-sterile surgical gowns to the school nurses for CCSD! It is always a pleasure to be able to give back to our community.

September 1, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: , , , |

Independent health practices in SC using group buying power to get PPE by Jason Raven

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WIS) - As state governments, large health systems, and others scrambled to stockpile personal protective equipment (PPE), small independent health practices in the state struggled to keep up. Read the full story.  ActionPPE.org is the brainchild from CCMS and has delivered over 2.5 MILLION PPE across the nation. Purchase PPE at ActionPPE.org (Free shipping at $500)

August 19, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, Public Health|Tags: , |

250,000 KN95 masks donated for frontline workers and first responders CHARLESTON COUNTY

The donation was made by Josh Lambert and his team at inFocus Healthcare Consultants. Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg, Dr. Robert Ball, MUSC I.D. Epidemiologist, Dana Holladay, Charleston County Medical Society Administrator, Josh Surratt, Seacoast Church Lead Pastor, and representatives from the offices of U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC-01) joined Josh Lambert, inFocus Healthcare Consultants President, for the event. 20,000 of these KN95 Masks were donated to the Charleston County Medical Society. Thanks to Mr. Lambert for his donation in coordination with Mayor Tecklenburg, Senator Scott, and Rep. Joe Cunningham, CCMS will distribute these 20,000 [...]

Healthlinks July/August 2020

Check us out in the July/August 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

July 1, 2020|Categories: 2020, Covid-19, General, Public Health|Tags: , |

Member Highlights

Jessica Tolley-McLendon ’08 Tolley-McLendon, an emergency medicine physician in Savannah, Georgia, spoke of her pride in the team of health care workers and first responders with whom she works: “We have seen decreased Emergency Department visits but higher acuity (sicker) patients. This has been a very scary time, but I am very proud of our “front liners” (health care workers and first responders). We have been very brave through this pandemic and have stepped up to the task at hand.” Like many health care providers, she takes many precautions to protect her family. “I am sure to always wear [...]

June 29, 2020|Categories: 2020, Member Highlights, Retired Physician|Tags: , |

Letters to the Editor: Charleston County Medical society denounces racism, violence

Photo by Grace Beahm Alford gbeahm@postandcourier.com Read the Letter

June 16, 2020|Categories: 2020, Marcelo Hochman MD, President|Tags: , |

UPDATE: PPE Shipped Directly To Your Location

Our PPE Project has grown and matured into a full-featured e-commerce system. It's called ActionPPE.org Health professionals can buy the PPE they need and have them directly shipped to your location.

June 13, 2020|Categories: Covid-19, ppe-project|Tags: |

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for PPE Distribution this Saturday

PLEASE BRING THE RECEIPT(S) YOU RECEIVED BY EMAIL WHEN YOU PLACED YOUR ORDER(S).  Preferably pull up and save on your phone.  We want to make sure we have everyone covered for all the items pending.  If someone is picking up your supplies, make sure they have the receipt(s) information.  This is very important. This Saturday, June 13, 2020, we will complete our final bulk distribution.  The distribution times are from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please plan to pick up your supplies from the site you indicated when the order was placed. SITES: Charleston:  4400 Leeds Ave; North Charleston, SC 29405 [...]

June 11, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Update : PPE Project – Final Bulk Distribution

The last major shipment of PPE is on its way to Charleston!  This bulk distribution is scheduled for Saturday, June 13th from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please plan to pick up your supplies from the site you indicated when the order was placed. SITES: Charleston:  4400 Leeds Ave; North Charleston, SC 29405 Columbia:     9710 Two Notch Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Greenville:   1000 Executive Center Drive, SC 29615 WHY LAST?!  Because … we will soon be able to provide Direct shipping!  PPE products will be picked/packed/shipped from a central warehouse in the US and sent directly to our offices!   We plan to roll out the new system [...]

June 9, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Update : PPE Project – President’s Message

What started as a local solution exactly 2 months ago to address the acute need for Doctors to obtain PPE has morphed into a national project!  Working with groups like ours, ActionPPE.org has coordinated and delivered 1.2 million units of PPE to Doctors and other care providers to over a dozen organizations to date!  New groups are joining weekly.  Great things are coming for CCMS as the founding group of this growing project.  The last major shipment of PPE is on its way to Charleston!  We plan the last bulk distribution on Saturday June 13th.   WHY LAST?!  Because … [...]

June 4, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Update : PPE Project Shipment

Our next shipment has arrived in Dallas.  The supplies are waiting for clearance from Customs in preparation for shipping to Charleston.  Once we receive the shipment, we will confirm that all the supplies have been sent. We will then allocate and plan the 3rd distribution. This should be our final distribution before we transition to direct shipping from the warehouse to your doorstep! Stay tuned for updated information.

May 28, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Update : No distribution on Memorial Day weekend

The 2nd PPE PROJECT Distribution last weekend was bigger than the first – and a little more complicated.  Due to delay in arrival to Charleston, some Face Shields, Type II masks and Gowns did not make it into the personalized box.  Some items also got mixed up in the packing/allocation process.  We are aware of the specific issues at each Site and with each order.  We are taking this long weekend to re-group and set the stage to address everything.  In the meantime, another shipment has arrived and we will combine and complete our orders.  You will be updated [...]

May 22, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Tomorrow (SATURDAY MAY 16th) Important Update

IMPORTANT UPDATE ON 2ND PPE DISTRIBUTION TOMORROW PLEASE NOTE – THIS MAY AFFECT YOU Not all the FACE SHIELDS have arrived in time – they are still in transit from Chicago. We will distribute those next week. The Type IIR Surgical Masks have still not arrived – we have sourced from a new supplier and should be here next week. REMINDER: All Sites will be open TOMORROW (Saturday) from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm. We only have access to the facilities during this time window. Your order will be ready for pickup at the SITE you designated when placing [...]

May 15, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Tomorrow (SATURDAY MAY 16th) is our Second PPE PICKUP DAY! 

Tomorrow (SATURDAY MAY 16th) is our Second PPE PICKUP DAY!  HUGE shipment arrived on our big ol’ truck from Texas.  The sites in Charleston, Columbia and Greenville were set up today.  Each order is being boxed individually with care by our volunteers.  Another flight arrived in the US last night and more products headed our way next week.  Our process is becoming streamlined and reliable. Note this IMPORTANT INFORMATION and plan your day accordingly: Your order will be ready for pickup at the SITE you designated when placing the order. All Sites will be open from 8:30am until 1:00 pm.  We only [...]

May 15, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Project Distribution Update

Our truck is scheduled to arrive in Charleston at the warehouse tomorrow - Friday morning. The supplies will be unpacked and allocated tomorrow. We plan to distribute the PPE in Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville on Saturday, May 16, 2020. Please continue to check your emails and our website for updates regarding the details. https://charlestonmedicalsociety.org/actionppe/status/ -- Dana Holladay Administrator Charleston County Medical Society

May 14, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Project Distribution Update

We don’t have 3 Dreamlifters but we have a big ol’ truck on its way from Texas with 89,000 Disposable Masks; 95,000 KN95 Masks and 2000 isolation gowns!  As you can see, our Distributor takes great care to shepherd our shipment through the US Customs process. We have added BLUE NITRILE GLOVES to the site.  A limited quantity is available for distribution this weekend as well – you can order HERE There are still some FACE  SHIELDS available as well:  Order Faceshields Here As we ramp up our practices, clearly our effort will pay off with a steady supply.  [...]

May 13, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Project Distribution Update

Our entire shipment has cleared customs in Dallas.  We will have details regarding distribution within 48 hours.  Please continue to monitor this site and check your email. Again, thank you for your understanding and patience. Marcelo Hochman MD President 843.819.4666 mobile

May 11, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Project Distribution Update

We have confirmed that another flight has arrived in the U.S. with PPE.  We are planning to distribute the supplies next Saturday, May 16, 2020.  More details when the truck departs Dallas.  Please continue to check this site for more details. Again, thank you for your understanding and patience. Marcelo Hochman MD President 843.819.4666 mobile

May 7, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Distribution Update

Good News: We received a shipment that has cleared US Customs! Bad News:  it did not contain the balance of our entire order as we had hoped.  In order to maximize resources (and the goodwill of our Volunteers) we have decided to wait for the flight expected this week.  The plan is to distribute the combined shipments the weekend of May 15th – we will keep you posted.  This should cover 95% of the orders to date!  Check this site and your email daily. I’d like to address some questions we’ve received about the masks and shields. REGARDING MASKS [...]

May 5, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Distribution Update

WE DID IT!  OUR FIRST DISTRIBUTION OF PPE FOR SC DOCTORS IS DONE!   Doctors were greeted by amazing Volunteers and glorious weather throughout the state.  A GRATEFUL THANK YOU to South Carolina Council on Competitiveness for organizational support; Sunland Logistics for use of their warehouse, Smith Dray Line for trucks and drivers, and Blue Cross Blue Shield SC for volunteers, facilities and overall cooperation. There will be details later today for those of you who missed picking up your boxes both by email and on this site. Our second shipment has arrived and as it clears Customs today we [...]

May 4, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Distribution Update

May 1, 2020 Tomorrow (SATURDAY MAY 2nd) is our first PPE PICKUP DAY!  The sites in Charleston, Columbia and Greenville were set up today.  Not all of the PPE we expected was in the pallets we received this morning.  A fair distribution is being allocated into each individual order by our volunteer logistics team.  Each order is being boxed individually with care by our volunteers.  There is plenty of material for everyone and all the orders will be filled as our process becomes more streamlined.  Another flight arrived in the US last night and more products headed our way [...]

May 1, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Healthlinks May/June 2020

Check us out in the May/June 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

PPE Shipment Update

April 30, 2020 Our supplies are safe in Charleston!  Tomorrow (Friday) the shipment will be separated into individual orders and routed to the Distribution Sites in Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville. Pickup of orders will occur at the Distribution Sites on SATURDAY MAY 2, 2020.  Where and When will be disclosed via email and on the PPE PROJECT STATUS PAGE tomorrow. NOTE: Everyone who has ordered prior to April 30th will be receiving their entire order of Disposable Masks and Shields. Everyone who has ordered prior to April 30th will be receiving a portion of their KN95 masks. Everyone who has [...]

April 30, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

The truck with our supplies is en route to Charleston with an expected arrival time of Friday morning.  The supplies will be secured in a warehouse in North Charleston. The Distribution of PPE is scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday at a location to be announced soon. All orders of disposable masks and face shields will be distributed.  A portion of the KN95 masks that were ordered will be distributed from this shipment. Please continue to check this site daily as well as your email inbox.

April 29, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

The truck with our shipment is on its way from Dallas.  We expect to distribute the supplies on Saturday in Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville.  Times and locations will be announced in the next couple of days. Please continue to daily check this site for updated information.

April 28, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

Our initial shipment has cleared Customs in Dallas.   Stay tuned for details. Please check this site daily.

April 27, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

Our initial shipment has arrived in Dallas! We are waiting for Customs to open on Monday at which time we will have more information. It will be important to keep checking this site for updates.

April 25, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

President’s Message – PPE Update

President’s Message Marc Andreessen, the famous entrepreneur and software engineer, wrote an essay over the weekend decrying our country’s disorganized and inadequate response to the current pandemic. He writes about a financial system that is perfectly geared to receive our money yet inadequate in sending it back to us.  He is incredulous that ‘we don’t have enough surgical masks, eye shields, and medical gowns’ or test materials nor the ability to ramp up production.  He pinpoints the problems to a failure ‘to build’, not only acutely but long before the crisis -to create solutions so we won’t have ‘to do’ [...]

April 22, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

We have received confirmation that our first shipment is on its way.  Within 24 hours we hope to share preliminary delivery information.  We are all anxious as we await our supplies.  Thank you for your patience. We have added a new face shield to the order form.  Click here for more information.

April 20, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

The first shipment of PPE is scheduled to leave Beijing on Sunday, April 19, 2020.  Arrival and distribution information will be disseminated as soon as it becomes available. Please continue to check this site daily for further updates.

April 16, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update!

Our shipment is at the airport in Beijing and and is coordinated to be flying into Dallas and then will be driven directly to Charleston.  Details to follow soon.

April 15, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Shipment Update

Our Vendor reports that some of our products are waiting on the tarmac to be loaded on a plane headed to the U.S.  Updates as soon as we hear more.

April 14, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Coronavirus Information

Recently, Dr. Robert Ball, a researcher and certified infectious disease specialist, provided a presentation further detailing what residents should know about the coronavirus.  [Post and Courier] [pdf] The Public Health Committee is providing public access to the presentation and future updates. Dr. Ball is maintaining updated versions with more information. You can view all updates here.

April 13, 2020|Categories: 2020, Public Health|Tags: , |


We are pleased to add Face Shields to the PPE PROJECT. Use this link charlestonmedicalsociety.org/actionppe/faceshields to order.

April 11, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

PPE Order Update from the CCMS President

April 10, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

We are Excited to Report that We Have Placed a Significant Order for More PPE!

We have placed a significant order for more disposable masks and disposable non-medical gowns.  Arrival date to be announced soon. 

April 9, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

We Have Placed Our Second Order of Type 1 Disposable Masks!

We have placed our second order of  Type I masks! Total amount ordered is 24,000.  Arrival date to be announced soon.

April 7, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

We have placed Our First Order of Type 1 Disposable Masks

We have placed our first order of 28000 Type I masks.  Arrival date to be announced soon.

April 5, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |


You have reached the PPE PROJECT STATUS site This is where we will post updates on the combined order in which you are participating such as shipping, arrival, pick-up, etc

April 5, 2020|Categories: ppe-project|Tags: |

Opportunity to Help Our Local Schools

We have been given the opportunity to work with Dr. Elise Emrath, Pediatric Intensivist at MUSC, on creating wellness-focused videos that will be shared with the Charleston County School District.  CCSD has offered to videotape and post them on their website as well.  If you are interested, please contact Dr. Emrath at emrath@musc.edu.

March 16, 2020|Categories: 2020, School Health|


2020 SCMA Annual Meeting - Canceled The SCMA has been aggressively monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic, at this time, we feel that we cannot risk the safety of our physicians, staff, and exhibitors and have decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 30 - Sunday, May 3, 2020. Members who have paid the registration fee will be reimbursed. Due to the volume, limited staff and third party vendors, reimbursements may take one to two weeks. The Hyatt Regency will conduct a blanket cancellation so all reservations in the SCMA room block will be canceled. If you would still like to contact [...]

March 16, 2020|Categories: 2020, Meeting|Tags: |

Dr. Seuss Week

When Doctors get involved in their communities, it can inspire a love of learning.  Doctors Richard Gross, Marcelo Hochman, and Bill Simpson recently helped North Charleston Creative Arts Elementary students celebrate Dr. Seuss week.  Thank you Renee' Rountree, MUSC Youth Collaborative Community Outreach Coordinator, and Donetta White-Gamble, MA, CDF, Career Specialist, CCSD, for allowing us to be a part of this event.

March 5, 2020|Categories: 2020, School Health|Tags: , , |

Healthlinks March/April 2020

Check us out in the March/April 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

March 3, 2020|Categories: 2020, General, Public Health|Tags: |

Share Your Experience

The Charleston Southern University AED Society has invited practicing physicians, residents/fellows or medical students to speak to their health professional students at one of the spring semester meetings.  Meetings are held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays late afternoon. Please contact Colton Huber at huberc2000@gmail.com or 843-817-1683 for more information.

February 13, 2020|Categories: 2020, General|Tags: |

Race and Ethnicity in 21st Century Health Care

TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL THOMAS A. PITTS LECTURESHIP IN MEDICAL ETHICS/Race and Ethnicity in 21st Century Health Care Upcoming Conference at the Medical University of South Carolina March 26, Charleston, SC Race and Ethnicity in 21st Century Health Care TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL THOMAS A. PITTS LECTURESHIP IN MEDICAL ETHICS KEYNOTE ADDRESS Thaddeus J. Bell, MD, Founder and CEO, Closing the Gap in Health Care, Inc. RACE AND MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMISSIONS Nancy Zisk, JD, Professor of Law, Charleston School of Law Richard H. Sander, JD, PhD, Professor of Law, University of California Los Angeles BIAS IN MEDICAL EDUCATION Paul F. George, MD, Associate Dean of Medical Education, Brown [...]

January 29, 2020|Categories: 2020, Event|Tags: , |

For Immediate Release

Palmetto Promise Institute – Repealing Certificate of Need Regulations PRESS RELEASE by Palmetto Promise Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 22, 2020Media contact: Oran P. Smith, PhD PPI Senior Fellow (803) 360-1194 oran@palmettopromise.org Palmetto Promise Introduces Healthcare Freedom Agenda with Support from Physicians and Lawmakers COLUMBIA, S.C. (Jan. 22, 2020) – Palmetto Promise Institute, joined by Senators Wes Climer, Tom Davis, and Mike Gambrell, introduced a Healthcare Freedom Agenda for South Carolina at a news conference Tuesday morning. Reforms include protecting Direct Primary Care, repealing Certificate of Need regulations, empowering patients with the Right to Shop for healthcare [...]

January 23, 2020|Categories: 2020, Medico-Legal|Tags: , , |

Recipient of the School Health Service Award

The South Carolina School Nurse Association is pleased to announce Dr. Janice Key as the 2019-2020 Recipient of the School Health Service Award. Her lifelong dedication to school wellness and healthy lifestyles has provided proven positive outcomes for many of our students and families throughout the state. We thank you for all your support of school nurses and are honored to have you as our CCSD Medical Consultant. Congratulations Dr Key!

January 16, 2020|Categories: 2020, Member Highlights, School Health, Women in Medicine|Tags: |

President’s Message January 2020

As you read this, we’ve all recovered from the end of a decade and celebrating the beginning of a new one. The purpose of this short message is to report that 2019 was good for CCMS.  I, the Board and our wonderful staff feel that CCMS has turned a corner.  We are stronger financially, are increasing in membership and have attracted the attention of the local and state medical community, legislature and the public as a voice for Doctors. This year we will continue to work on the Legislative priorities that you, the Membership, identified as important to [...]

January 9, 2020|Categories: 2020, Marcelo Hochman MD, President|

Healthlinks January/February 2020

Check us out in the January/February 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org

January 9, 2020|Categories: 2020, General, Public Health|Tags: |
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