2021 Summer Newsletter
Summertime – and the livin’ is getting’ easier!
We’re all relieved that the pandemic is finally waning and our personal and professional lives are returning to normal. Thus, ActionPPE.org, the local effort by CCMS to procure and distribute PPE to keep Doctors’ practices open and which grew to a national effort supplying over 4 million units of PPE is winding down. We are incredibly proud of the project which showed, once again, that ‘bottom up’ solutions are the most effective in solving problems. CCMS has benefited financially and with great national recognition (take a look at all these Covid-19 links on our website) – we should all be proud.
The pandemic is waning because more and more of our communities are being vaccinated and many have survived the disease (and presumably have some degree of immunity). Being strong advocates for vaccinations with our patients will hasten to get our medical practices and places of employment to the safest level possible. Many CCMS members participated in vaccination efforts of thousands in our communities including a turnaround in the minority and underserved populations. The Board of CCMS issues this statement: CCMS supports vaccinating all eligible people against COVID19. We encourage every eligible person to get vaccinated and discuss any hesitancy about vaccinations with their Doctor.
In a similar vein, the Board of CCMS encourages Doctors to discuss with our patients the importance of firearm safety in the home. Thousands of firearm injuries could be avoided by proper safety measures. Under the leadership of our School Health Committee (Drs. Janice Key and Annie Andrews), the SCMA adopted the CCMS resolution regarding gun safety guidelines which will be promoted through upcoming educational events and materials. (See our firearm safety postings)
The fight to repeal the Certificate of Need Law is in full force! CCMS and the Coalition to Repeal CON have successfully enabled a bill to reach the Senate Floor! This will be discussed and debated by the full Senate soon. The tide of support for full repeal (as advocated by CCMS and adopted as policy by SCMA) is growing. The Sub Committee of the Medical Affairs Committee has held hearings. It is clear that the support for continuing this law which raises healthcare costs, limits access, enhances racial health disparities, and hinders quality is very thin. We will continue to take the lead on this for the duration of the session. Please read this article in USA Today relating to CON repeal and other needed healthcare reforms.
After the summer break, we will be planning a Legislative Day with our Congressional delegations – CCMS has their ear since we’ve been so active. We now have 70 medical student members so we will establish a Medical Student Section/Mentoring program – young people need to be exposed to independent practices and foster cooperation/interaction with their peers.
OFFICERS NEEDED FOR 2021-23 slate; We encourage any interested Members from academia or private practice to contact Dr. Biemann Othersen (othershb@musc.edu), or Dr. Hochman (drhochman@facialsurgerycenter.com), or Dana Holladay (dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org) for information.
Finally, in November we will be having an IN-PERSON ANNUAL MEETING!!
Have a great, safe summer. And remember, CCMS is working hard for you!
Marcelo Hochman MD, President
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