Young Physicians

‘MUSC’s Match Day’: Over 100 students find out their residency placement

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Med school graduate students across the nation, including in the Lowcountry, are spending the day celebrating. Over 100 students at MUSC found out where they will be spending their residency program on Friday morning at Charleston Music Hall. Exactly 159 students got their match, with 44 staying at MUSC. A total of 36% are staying in the state of South Carolina (Click Here to Read the Entire Article) Watch The Video

March 20, 2023|Categories: 2023, General, Young Physicians|Tags: |

2021 W. Curtis Worthington, Jr. Essay Contest Application

Essay Contest Application James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board

March 9, 2021|Categories: 2021, General, Young Physicians|Tags: |

Meet the CCMS Scholarship Recipients

CCMS awarded a $2,000 cash scholarship to each of these five medical students: M. Caroline Spitznagel, M4 Turner Rainwater Byers, M3 Austin McCadden, M4 Ryan Wilkins, M1 Lauren "Evey" Adams, M2 We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and perseverance! Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!

February 2, 2021|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |

Medical Students Scholarship

We are delighted to have over 60 medical students as CCMS members. At the Annual Meeting, we will be awarding $2,000 scholarships to five medical students. The recipients may use these funds at their discretion. Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!

December 21, 2020|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |


CCMS Members can feel proud of the fact that due to the success of our PPE PROJECT CCMS is able to award .... As the founder of the PPE PROJECT CCMS receives an ongoing donation reflective of sales – which is used for scholarships for deserving medical students. CCMS is pleased to announce that we will be awarding five cash scholarships to MUSC Medical Students. [Did you know that students can join CCMS for free?] Each student will be given a $2000 check directly to be used toward whatever needs they may have.  We feel that this direct aid [...]

November 17, 2020|Categories: 2020, Young Physicians|Tags: , |
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