Healthy Tri-County Community Survey
Healthy Tri-County is a multi-sector regional initiative to improve health outcomes in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties of South Carolina. Every three years they do a community survey, interviews and focus groups to obtain data which forms the basis of a community needs assessment. This assessment is used to guide Healthy Tri-County and it's partners in decisions made about health programming in our tri-county region. We encourage you to take the survey and urge others to do so. A link to survey as well as additional information can be found at More Information HERE...
Join the White Wednesday Advocacy Team!
[PDF] Myth_vs_Fact_Scope_of_Practice_5_ JOIN THE SCMA ADVOCACY TEAM WEDNESDAYS AT THE STATE HOUSE Messages are best delivered to legislators by physician advocates who can educate legislators with FACTS and share firsthand experiences. That's why our Advocacy Team has designated Wednesdays as "White Coat Wednesdays" where physicians are encouraged to meet directly with Senators to discuss the importance of physician-led care. Two shifts are available each Wednesday: (sign up using the button below!) 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Additional advocacy questions? Please contact Holly Pisarik at * NOTE: White Coat Wednesdays are separate from our Doctor of the Day program and the SCMA [...]
MUSC Boeing Center For Children’s Wellness Makes Positive Impact
The MUSC Boeing Center for Children's Wellness engages school communities in creating healthy learning environments through the implementation of targeted wellness initiatives. Their vision is a South Carolina where all children are healthy, succeed in school, and thrive in life. Lead by CCMS Board Member and School Health Committee Co-Chair Dr. Janice Key, the Center served 20 school districts, 271 schools and 165,000 K-12 students in South Carolina. Their 2023-24 Impact Report can be found here or on their website:
Join the Docs Adopt Program!
What is Docs Adopt? Docs Adopt partners physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with local schools to serve on the school wellness committee. This initiative offers physicians a structured opportunity to provide support, knowledge, and motivation to schools as they implement evidence-based strategies and promote a culture of wellness. No clinical responsibilities or services are rendered as part of this volunteer role. How Do I Adopt A School? The process is straightforward. Please complete this Volunteer Registration Form to initiate the enrollment process. Over 50 schools participate in the Docs Adopt Program. Currently, seven schools are accepting volunteers. If [...]
Docs Adopt
WHAT IS DOCS ADOPT? Docs Adopt partners physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with local schools to serve on the school wellness committee. This offers physicians a structured opportunity to provide support, knowledge, and motivation to schools as they implement evidence-based strategies and promote a culture of wellness. There are no clinical responsibilities or services rendered as part of this volunteer role. Click Here to learn more.
SC mobile optometry bill signed into law
Congratulations to Mr. Henry Blackford, III and all the CCMS School Health Committee Members for being the driving force that enabled House Bill 4837 to be signed into SC law. Last December, the Charleston County Medical Society members of the School Health Committee, wrote a letter in support of the Vision To Learn program in Charleston County School District schools by bringing a mobile van with a South Carolina licensed optometrist to perform modified screening and full refraction on students from kindergarten through high school. [Read The Letter of Support] The letter was signed by the following: Janice [...]
SCMA Annual Meeting Report 2022
Hot Topic presentation by Dr. Annie Andrews, “Children, Guns, and Safety” with 260 gun locks distributed to attendees (with contact information gathered for follow up) The resolution authored by Dr. Lara Wine Lee was approved with revisions. RESOLUTION NUMBER: C- 9 REDUCING UV EXPOSURE IN CHILDREN Authors: Charleston County Medical Society School Health Committee “RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association strongly encourages reducing barriers to adequate sun protection; RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association encourages schools and support legislation to allow students to access sunscreen at school without restriction and without requiring physician authorization; RESOLVED; that the [...]
Listen to your doctor — mask up until all kids are protected
Read the Article Post and Courier Op-Ed (PDF)
Janice D. Key School Health Visionary Award
Ellen Nitz, CCSD Director of Nursing, won the 2021 Janice D. Key School Health Visionary from the SC School-Based Health Center Collaborative CONGRATULATIONS!
Media Release – School Health Committee News!
Read the Press Release
Message from the School Health Committee
The Vaccines for Children program (VFC) provides federally purchased vaccines to approximately 50% of children in the United States, including children who are enrolled in Medicaid or who are uninsured or underinsured. CCSD is able to provide vaccines to students through VFC (thanks to Dr. Key), so that they can be up to date and eligible to attend school each year. The VFC was created in 1993, though, so it needs some updating. There’s a new federal bill called The Strengthening Vaccines for Children Program Act of 2021 (just introduced in the House as H.R. 2347, about to be introduced in the Senate) [...]