
CCMS Past President, Andrew McMarlin, DO and Docs Adopt

Dr. Andrew McMarlin and CCMS were referenced at the MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness was featured in a press release by Charleston County School District.  Please take a look and see how CCMS partners with the Docs Adopt Program. Read the Article

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

CCMS President’s Recent Letter to The Honorable Richard J. Leon

Concerns regarding the proposed merger between CVS Health and Aetna Inc.  There is no reason to believe the new entity would start passing on theoretical savings to customers in the face of less competition.  We need more -- not fewer -- choices in health care. Read the Letter

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

Letter from CCMS President, Shane Woolf, MD

Dear Fellow Charleston County Physician, On behalf of the Charleston County Medical Society board and our staff, I hope you are having a great year. With summer in full swing there is a lot I would like to share with you about CCMS activities so far this year, as well as a few dates to mark on your calendar. Here are but a few of the CCMS events and activities so far this year: Ongoing work with South Carolina Medical Association leadership and lobbyists to advocate for the medical physicians of our county CCMS sent a strong delegation to the [...]

July 13, 2016|Categories: 2016, Executive, Membership|Tags: |
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