
Letter from CCMS President, Shane Woolf, MD

Dear Fellow Charleston County Physician, On behalf of the Charleston County Medical Society board and our staff, I hope you are having a great year. With summer in full swing there is a lot I would like to share with you about CCMS activities so far this year, as well as a few dates to mark on your calendar. Here are but a few of the CCMS events and activities so far this year: Ongoing work with South Carolina Medical Association leadership and lobbyists to advocate for the medical physicians of our county CCMS sent a strong delegation to the [...]

July 13, 2016|Categories: 2016, Executive, Membership|Tags: |

Gun Violence – A Public Health Issue

Editorial Posted in the Post and Courier on November 8, 2015 Gun violence is a serious and growing public health issue in the United States of America.  The current problem nationally: Every day in the United States there are 91 gun-related deaths on average or just under 16 per minute.... Click the link to read to entire article:  Gun Violence - A Public Health Issue Authors:  Robert T. Ball, MD (member of the CCMS Executive Committee and its Public Health Committee) and Richard C. Hagerty, MD (chairman of the board of Gun Sense SC and a CCMS member) The CCMS [...]

November 9, 2015|Categories: 2015, Executive, Public Health, School Health|
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