Lowcountry’s Remarkable Women: Dr. Kay Durst
Watch The Interview CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – For many, Dr. Kay Durst embodies the best in service, compassion, and achievement. She has her hands in many endeavors to help heal, uplift, and improve our communities all while continuing a family tradition of improving lives for generations of families throughout the Lowcountry.Coming from a family of doctors, Dr. Durst is a third-generational family medicine physician who has worked in a doctor’s office since her childhood — even now, she shares a practice with her father, Dr. George Durst, on Sullivan’s Island.“I just love helping people and healing, and I love [...]
Dr. Deborah Deas
Feature Photograph courtesy of the Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, SC Deborah Deas, MD, MPH, MUSC College of Medicine Class of 1989 Deborah Deas, MD, MPH is the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences, the Mark and Pam Rubin Dean of the School of Medicine, and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). Under her leadership, the UC Riverside School of Medicine has seen tremendous growth in its medical education, biomedical sciences, and clinical enterprise programs. Dr. Deas would be the first to tell you that these achievements, and more, are a result of a [...]
National Women Physicians Day – February 3, 2023
Every year, National Women Physicians Day is celebrated to honor the achievements of women in the medical profession. This day is an opportunity to recognize and thank all the female doctors who have dedicated their lives to providing care and support for patients. This year, we take special notice of African-American women physicians who have broken barriers in medicine and made a difference in countless lives. We celebrate their courage, tenacity, and commitment to excellence that has made them role models for many generations of aspiring physicians. At CCMS, we are deeply grateful for all the women physicians who [...]
Healthlinks January/February 2023
Check us out in the January/February 2023 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org
Healthlinks November/December 2022
Check us out in the November/December 2022 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org
SC Academy of Family Physicians – Dr. Kay Durst
Dr. Kay Durst was recognized for her years of service with the SC Academy of Family Physicians. She was honored for serving over eight years on the board and as the Vice President for two years. The Academy serves over 2900 physicians, residents, and medical students in SC. Congratulations, Dr. Durst!
SCMA Annual Meeting Report 2022
Hot Topic presentation by Dr. Annie Andrews, “Children, Guns, and Safety” with 260 gun locks distributed to attendees (with contact information gathered for follow up) The resolution authored by Dr. Lara Wine Lee was approved with revisions. RESOLUTION NUMBER: C- 9 REDUCING UV EXPOSURE IN CHILDREN Authors: Charleston County Medical Society School Health Committee “RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association strongly encourages reducing barriers to adequate sun protection; RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association encourages schools and support legislation to allow students to access sunscreen at school without restriction and without requiring physician authorization; RESOLVED; that the [...]
Free Skin Cancer Screening – Volunteers Needed
Click Here for More Information
Eczema sufferers in SC gear up for peak flare season as temperatures rise
For millions of people in the United States with eczema, the beginning of springtime can bring welcomed relief, especially if your skin flares in drier seasons. But some with the condition may find the warmer season is when the condition can be the most unbearable. Eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes itching and redness, affects over 10 percent of the U.S. population and usually occurs on the hands, inner elbows, knees and around the eyes. Dr. Lara Wine-Lee, an eczema expert and dermatologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, said a lot of people with the condition [...]
Dr. Annie Andrews to Speak at College’s Bully Pulpit Series
The Bully Pulpit Series at the College of Charleston will host a town meeting with South Carolina 1st Congressional District Democratic candidate Dr. Annie Andrews on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 5 p.m. in room 101 of the Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center located at 58 Coming Street. Doors open for this event at 4:30 p.m. Please note that CofC has a clear bag policy for this event and only clear bags will be allowed in the building. Dr. Annie Andrews is an associate professor of pediatrics [...]
Voted Best Primary Care Doctor 2022
Please congratulate our colleague and fellow Board member Dr. Kay Durst who has been voted the “ The Best Primary Care Doctor” for 2022, presented by Healthlinks. A well-deserved award! -- Cleave Ham, MD
Healthlinks January/February 2022
Check us out in the January/February 2022 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org
Healthlinks September/October 2021
Check us out in the September/October 2021 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles. Dana@charlestonmedicalsociety.org
Janice D. Key School Health Visionary Award
Ellen Nitz, CCSD Director of Nursing, won the 2021 Janice D. Key School Health Visionary from the SC School-Based Health Center Collaborative CONGRATULATIONS!
New location for East Cooper OB/GYN medical group
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Media Release – School Health Committee News!
Read the Press Release
Recipient of the School Health Service Award
The South Carolina School Nurse Association is pleased to announce Dr. Janice Key as the 2019-2020 Recipient of the School Health Service Award. Her lifelong dedication to school wellness and healthy lifestyles has provided proven positive outcomes for many of our students and families throughout the state. We thank you for all your support of school nurses and are honored to have you as our CCSD Medical Consultant. Congratulations Dr Key!
Move IT! Charleston County hopes to bridge gap between medicine and wellness – Post and Courier
A key component of Move IT! is to bridge the gap from rehabilitation to a lifestyle of wellness that is both affordable and easily accessible. Dr. Valerie Scott, a physician with Mount Pleasant Family Practice that is part of Roper St. Francis Physician Partners, has referred 50 of her patients to Move IT! and recently presented the program, along with PRC Executive Director Tom O’Rourke, to the Medical Society of South Carolina. via Move IT! Charleston County hopes to bridge gap between medicine and wellness - Post and Courier.
CCMS School Health Committee and Docs Adopt Program
Dr. Kay Durst recognized for her work with Docs-Adopt and the Daniel Island School Dr. Kay Durst, MD She already had two boys, but Kay Durst was thoughtfully considering adopting. And though some would say she was perhaps overly ambitious to juggle a busy career as a family medicine physician with more kids, she would respond that it was because of her professional expertise that she would adopt a number of children. 1,300, to be exact. The Docs-Adopt program was launched in November 2010, when the Charleston County Medical Society and Charleston County School District partnered to pair [...]