CME for Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances
Mandatory for All South Carolina Licensed Physicians
Available at No Cost for the SC Physician Community
As you are aware, the South Carolina Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), also known as Senate Bill 840, was signed into law on June 6, 2014. Through this statute, South Carolina licensed physicians are required to obtain two continuing medical education credit hours related to the approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances listed in Schedules II, III, and IV.
As outlined by the legislature, the two hour requirement must be met before the end of the current license renewal cycle which is June 30, 2015. The SCMA is approved by statute to offer this course.
The SCMA recognizes the critical need for more education on prescription abuse and monitoring in our state. Because the SCMA leadership knows it is important for physicians to be at the forefront of understanding the complexities of this law, immediately after understanding this new requirement, the SCMA developed an approved CME course designed specifically for SC licensed physicians.
You need not be an SCMA member to take the CME course free of charge.
To make adherence to this requirement easier for our physician community, the SCMA is offering an approved course on prescribing and monitoring controlled substances for free to all SC licensed physicians.
To receive your two CME credit hours prior to June 30, please visit:
Click Take a CME Course, follow the prompts to register, complete the course, and print a CME certificate for your records.
SCMA members should login using their SCMA account number.
Non-SCMA members should register for SCMA CME by clicking the link provided above and set up a account. Add the required course to your shopping cart. Enter the coupon code SCMD6207 at check out to get the course free of charge.
For questions about this course, please contact the SCMA Director of Education, Sharron Kelley, at or 1-800-327-1027, extension 173 or directly at 803-612-4104.
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