SCMA Firearm Safety Resolution
Congratulations to Dr. Annie Andrews, Dr. Jan Key, and the entire CCMS School Health Committee! Their resolution regarding firearm safe storage counseling, which was sponsored by CCMS and submitted to the SCMA House of Delegates at the 2021 SCMA Annual Meeting, was adopted by the SCMA delegates on April 25. This resolution encourages practicing physicians in South Carolina to use patient encounters as an opportunity to discuss firearm safety and safe storage practices and supports efforts to inform the public about safe storage of firearms.
Statewide Virtual Be SMART Presentation
Dr. Annie Andrews, CCMS School Health Committee Member, to volunteer at statewide BeSMART Presentation on April 13th at 8pm Be SMART is a national AAP-aligned program that aims to reduce pediatric firearm injuries and deaths through adult-directed education on responsible firearm storage. You will learn how you can incorporate the Be SMART program into your practice or how to share this life-saving information with your neighbors. RSVP Here