White Coat Wednesday at the South Carolina State House
On Wednesday, February 25, six physicians from the Charleston County Medical Society joined the SCMA at the State House for White Coat Wednesday. These physicians, wearing their white coats, were introduced on the House floor by Rep. Chip Limehouse who was joined by all of the Charleston representatives. The doctors met individually with many state leaders to discuss issues important to the practice of medicine. The hot topic this year was the legislation regarding independent practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). During their time at the State House, these six physicians met with Rep. Samuel Rivers, Rep. Chip Limehouse, Rep. Wendell Gilliard, Rep. Ginny Horne, Rep. Mary Tinkler, Sen. Paul Campbell and Sen. Raymond Cleary. The CCMS wishes to thank Dr. Cleave Ham, Dr. Steve Schabel, Dr. Mary Baker, Dr. Marta Hampton, Dr. Katharyn Ouzts and Dr. Heather Dawson for taking time away from their offices to participate in this important day. A big thank you goes to Dr. Otis Engelman for taking his time to be Doctor of the Day on February 25. Hopefully more of you can join your colleagues for White Coat Wednesday next year!
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