The Doctor of the Day

SC Legislative Session begins on January 8, 2019, and ends on May 9, 2019.  The Doctor of the Day Sessions are on Tuesdays from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m., and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m  A resident will shadow the Doctor of the Day. If you are interested, contact Ginger Chalk at 803-612-4129 or email her at ginger.chalk@scmedical.org.

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

CCMS Past President, Andrew McMarlin, DO and Docs Adopt

Dr. Andrew McMarlin and CCMS were referenced at the MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness was featured in a press release by Charleston County School District.  Please take a look and see how CCMS partners with the Docs Adopt Program. Read the Article

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

CCMS President’s Recent Letter to The Honorable Richard J. Leon

Concerns regarding the proposed merger between CVS Health and Aetna Inc.  There is no reason to believe the new entity would start passing on theoretical savings to customers in the face of less competition.  We need more -- not fewer -- choices in health care. Read the Letter

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

Kratom Awareness Survey

Tori Streetman, senior at Academic Magnet High School is completing a thesis analyzing physician awareness of kratom consumption and its effects. She has asked us to take this brief survey  After the data has been collected she will write an article analyzing the results of this survey. Take this brief survey

December 19, 2018|Categories: 2018, General|Tags: |

Letter to Governor McMaster re Opioid blame.

Dear Governor McMaster,The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society would like to make you aware of our Commentary which appeared on Saturday, August 10, 2018, in the Post and Courier (https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/commentary/place-opioid-blame-where-it-belongs/article_0e924542-9ca1-11e8-88e3-6fd45e5a5c25.html) and which is attached to this letter.As stated, we welcome the attention to the issue of opioid-related deaths, dependence, and addiction. However, we strongly believe that the focus on restrictive and punitive controls on prescriptions is misplaced and will result in further detriment to our patients - your constituents. The national narrative in expert circles supports our position as do the greater than 5000 Tweets that [...]

August 30, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Legislative Affairs, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

CCMS question addressed at GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate

One of the CCMS questions was included in the recent GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate. Live from the Newberry Opera House; Governor Henry McMaster and John Warren debate.

June 21, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Legislative Affairs, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

CCMS is helping to make Doctors relevant in mid-terms

The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society request that the candidates for governor of South Carolina publicly detail their positions on the topic of health care prior to the June primaries. Health care has been identified as the top concern for the mid-term elections in various polls and, as doctors and our patients’ advocates, we believe certain issues that specifically affect South Carolina should be addressed by the candidates. The topics below have been identified as being important to the sanctity of the reciprocal doctor-patient relationship, to provide opportunities for innovation in delivery of high-quality care at a [...]

May 23, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Legislative Affairs, Medico-Legal|Tags: , |

Take Back Day ~ Return your meds on Saturday, April 28th

The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. The DEA’s Take-Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.4 million Americans [...]

April 23, 2018|Categories: 2018, General, Public Health|Tags: , |

DHEC published new flu numbers for South Carolina: It keeps getting worse

As flu numbers continue to increase we all need to take precautions. Local hospitals are taking precautions by limiting visitors. All people are encouraged to get the flu shot - it is not too late and it will lessen the severity if you should contract the flu. "You’re not just trying to protect yourself, you‘re trying to protect those vulnerable people around you — the young and the elderly." Read the full article.

January 18, 2018|Categories: 2018, General|
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