Letter to Governor McMaster re Opioid blame.

Last Updated: August 30, 2018Categories: 2018, General, Legislative Affairs, Medico-LegalTags: , 1.1 min read

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Dear Governor McMaster,

The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society would like to make you aware of our Commentary which appeared on Saturday, August 10, 2018, in the Post and Courier (https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/commentary/place-opioid-blame-where-it-belongs/article_0e924542-9ca1-11e8-88e3-6fd45e5a5c25.html) and which is attached to this letter.

As stated, we welcome the attention to the issue of opioid-related deaths, dependence, and addiction. However, we strongly believe that the focus on restrictive and punitive controls on prescriptions is misplaced and will result in further detriment to our patients – your constituents. The national narrative in expert circles supports our position as do the greater than 5000 Tweets that our letter generated from patients, patient advocates, and physicians.

We urge you to work with the medical community and allocate resources to education, harm reduction efforts, medical alternatives and treatment of addiction.

We believe that the determination of what prescription is right for a given patient should be determined by the Doctor and Patient, not by legislation. We urge you to reconsider and revoke the laws which directly address our ability to prescribe opioids to our patients.

Marcelo Hochman MD
President Elect

Andrew McMarlin DO

Charleston County Medical Society

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