Letter to SC House of Representatives – CON Repeal
May 2, 2022 To the Members of the House of Representatives, As you consider S290, the bill that addresses the Certificate of Need (CON) regulations we ask that you keep in mind those to whom this matters most: the people of South Carolina – your constituents, our patients. By voting to repeal CON you would be on the side of patients who for 40 years have suffered the consequences of CON. Remember, of the five things CON was to do NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS COME TO FRUITION. Our State has consistently made the bottom of lists with regard [...]
Doctor of the Day
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CON Repeal ACTION NEEDED from Physicians
Email Holly Pisarik, the SCMA Senior VP of Advocacy and Policy Counsel, at holly@scmedical.org , or if more convenient, by calling her directly at 803-543-4894.
Success! Townhall!
Our recent Townhall proved to be very informative and well-liked. The site had over 600 visits in the span of a week. That is an amazing increase of more than four times the normal visiting rate. The candidates graciously shared their time with us to answer your questions. Thank you for your input and interest.
Dr. Hochman Interview on Accad&Koka
On June 3, 2019, Dr. Hochman was interviewed by The Accad & Koka Report. Listen here: https://accadandkoka.com/episode80/ For an automatic transcription, you can read and listen here: https://otter.ai/s/z6M3X_39TjOtZF_Jdgkhcw
Letter to Governor McMaster re Opioid blame.
Dear Governor McMaster,The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society would like to make you aware of our Commentary which appeared on Saturday, August 10, 2018, in the Post and Courier (https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/commentary/place-opioid-blame-where-it-belongs/article_0e924542-9ca1-11e8-88e3-6fd45e5a5c25.html) and which is attached to this letter.As stated, we welcome the attention to the issue of opioid-related deaths, dependence, and addiction. However, we strongly believe that the focus on restrictive and punitive controls on prescriptions is misplaced and will result in further detriment to our patients - your constituents. The national narrative in expert circles supports our position as do the greater than 5000 Tweets that [...]
CCMS question addressed at GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate
One of the CCMS questions was included in the recent GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate. Live from the Newberry Opera House; Governor Henry McMaster and John Warren debate.
CCMS is helping to make Doctors relevant in mid-terms
The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society request that the candidates for governor of South Carolina publicly detail their positions on the topic of health care prior to the June primaries. Health care has been identified as the top concern for the mid-term elections in various polls and, as doctors and our patients’ advocates, we believe certain issues that specifically affect South Carolina should be addressed by the candidates. The topics below have been identified as being important to the sanctity of the reciprocal doctor-patient relationship, to provide opportunities for innovation in delivery of high-quality care at a [...]
Register Today for the 3rd Annual CCMS Symposium What Does It Mean To Be A Doctor Today?
The new date for the 3rd annual symposium has been set to Thursday, February 9th, 2017. CCMS has proudly hosted two CME over events the last couple of years and we are gearing up for our 3rd Annual CCMS Symposium to be held on Thursday, October 6, 2016 February 9th, 2017. We listened to attendee feedback and have put together a program to address the burning question “What Does It Mean To Be A Doctor Today?”. We do not know if anyone can truly answer this question but our speakers will certainly try. Registration is open and we hope [...]
CCMS reaches out to SC Medical Societies
The Legal Affairs Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society is sending this letter to the directors and presidents of South Carolina Medical Societies. Download the PDF CCMS request to endorse S1521 or view the letter in a popup box Dear Medical Society, The Legislative Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society (CCMS) is spearheading a project to advance the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015. This bill (S.1521) was introduced in the Senate of the United States by Senator Tim Scott (SC) and co-sponsored by Senator Rand Paul (KY). The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow [...]
CCMS endorses the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015 (S.1521)
The Legislative Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society (CCMS) is spearheading a project to advance the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015. This bill (S.1521) was introduced in the Senate of the United States by Senator Tim Scott (SC) and co-sponsored by Senator Rand Paul (KY). The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow physicians to have a tax deduction for charitable care provided equal to the amount the physician would have otherwise been paid. This bill would create a simple avenue and incentive for doctors to provide uncompensated medical care, thereby improving and expanding access to [...]