How Do Independent Physicians Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The SCMA has been sending out information on registering to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for several weeks. With the arrival of the vaccine this week, physicians have had many questions these last few days. Below is a list of the questions we are getting a lot of, along with the answers, in hopes of helping everyone through this process.
Please note #3:
How does my office receive the vaccine for our practice – physicians and staff?
- First and foremost, you cannot be in the pool to receive the vaccine if you do not enroll in the vaccine program. To register you start by reviewing a presentation, and then you may enroll. This is a federal process that DHEC is rolling out and is required. You can register with DHEC here.
- Many physicians have said that the registration, which begins with a presentation, seems to be for vaccinating patient populations. It is not. It is to register to obtain the vaccine for your facility.
- If you read that enrollment needed to be completed by November 23rd, do not worry. You can still register; you will just be added into the pool as DHEC moves forward.
- If you would like to know what is required to register, you can access the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement to view in advance. The DHEC presentation defines several of the terms, such as who would qualify as the CMO signatory if you do not have this official title in your facility.
- There are three official DHEC documents you will need to sign to complete enrollment.
- If you are interested in receiving the vaccine for your staff but cannot meet the requirements of the enrollment process, such as not having ultra-cold storage or a CMO, physicians and physician offices are directed to reach out to DHEC here:
Pro Tip: Follow up every 2 weeks to be sure your practice is not forgotten!
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