Join the White Wednesday Advocacy Team!
[PDF] Myth_vs_Fact_Scope_of_Practice_5_ JOIN THE SCMA ADVOCACY TEAM WEDNESDAYS AT THE STATE HOUSE Messages are best delivered to legislators by physician advocates who can educate legislators with FACTS and share firsthand experiences. That's why our Advocacy Team has designated Wednesdays as "White Coat Wednesdays" where physicians are encouraged to meet directly with Senators to discuss the importance of physician-led care. Two shifts are available each Wednesday: (sign up using the button below!) 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Additional advocacy questions? Please contact Holly Pisarik at * NOTE: White Coat Wednesdays are separate from our Doctor of the Day program and the SCMA [...]
MUSC Boeing Center For Children’s Wellness Makes Positive Impact
The MUSC Boeing Center for Children's Wellness engages school communities in creating healthy learning environments through the implementation of targeted wellness initiatives. Their vision is a South Carolina where all children are healthy, succeed in school, and thrive in life. Lead by CCMS Board Member and School Health Committee Co-Chair Dr. Janice Key, the Center served 20 school districts, 271 schools and 165,000 K-12 students in South Carolina. Their 2023-24 Impact Report can be found here or on their website:
Respiratory Pathogens (COVID and other “Cooties” Continue)
Content provided by CCMS Member: Robert T. Ball. MD MPH FACP The 2020-2024 Tridemics of COVID, Influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) still require all medical professionals to keep up to date with rapidly expanding legitimate scientific information. Public health/ I.D. experts and official (i.e., CDC websites, not “social media”) can provide accurate information. The collateral epidemic of worsening misinformation (and nefarious dysinformation) is accompanied by an increasing public distrust in medical sciences, public health, and various health care professionals. We must all work hard to remedy these conundra. COVID The 2023-2024 global Omicron XBB sub-variants, [...]
MUSC Match Day: March 2024
Happy Match Day, and congratulations to all! CCMS stands behind you, cheering you on as you pursue excellence and wishing you boundless success in all your future endeavors. Here's to your continued success! Read more about this exciting day.
Join the Docs Adopt Program!
What is Docs Adopt? Docs Adopt partners physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with local schools to serve on the school wellness committee. This initiative offers physicians a structured opportunity to provide support, knowledge, and motivation to schools as they implement evidence-based strategies and promote a culture of wellness. No clinical responsibilities or services are rendered as part of this volunteer role. How Do I Adopt A School? The process is straightforward. Please complete this Volunteer Registration Form to initiate the enrollment process. Over 50 schools participate in the Docs Adopt Program. Currently, seven schools are accepting volunteers. If [...]
‘MUSC’s Match Day’: Over 100 students find out their residency placement
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Med school graduate students across the nation, including in the Lowcountry, are spending the day celebrating. Over 100 students at MUSC found out where they will be spending their residency program on Friday morning at Charleston Music Hall. Exactly 159 students got their match, with 44 staying at MUSC. A total of 36% are staying in the state of South Carolina (Click Here to Read the Entire Article) Watch The Video
Lowcountry’s Remarkable Women: Dr. Kay Durst
Watch The Interview CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – For many, Dr. Kay Durst embodies the best in service, compassion, and achievement. She has her hands in many endeavors to help heal, uplift, and improve our communities all while continuing a family tradition of improving lives for generations of families throughout the Lowcountry.Coming from a family of doctors, Dr. Durst is a third-generational family medicine physician who has worked in a doctor’s office since her childhood — even now, she shares a practice with her father, Dr. George Durst, on Sullivan’s Island.“I just love helping people and healing, and I love [...]
Dr. Thaddeus J. Bell
Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, College of Medicine, Class of 1976 We are extremely proud to be able to feature our own CCMS member and chair of the Health Disparities Committee ~ Dr. Thaddeus Bell! We are also committed to be part of Closing The Gap In Healthcare's mission and vision. Below are just a few of the latest awards and accolades. Former MUSC diversity director honored Health center in Summerville named for Dr. Thaddeus Bell. Photo provided Thaddeus Bell was working at the VA hospital in 1980 when family grocery store owner Elijah Wright came to him and [...]
Dr. Deborah Deas
Feature Photograph courtesy of the Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, SC Deborah Deas, MD, MPH, MUSC College of Medicine Class of 1989 Deborah Deas, MD, MPH is the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences, the Mark and Pam Rubin Dean of the School of Medicine, and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). Under her leadership, the UC Riverside School of Medicine has seen tremendous growth in its medical education, biomedical sciences, and clinical enterprise programs. Dr. Deas would be the first to tell you that these achievements, and more, are a result of a [...]
Dr. Bernard Deas Jr.
Feature Photograph circa 1967-1971 courtesy of the Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, SCObituary photographs were provided by Dr. Deas' family courtesy of Dignity Memorial First African American man graduate, College of Medicine 1971.Bernard Winford Deas, Jr., M.D., fondly known as Bernie, was born July 12, 1944, to the late Bernard Winford Deas, Sr., and Ethel Fludd Deas. He departed this life on June 29, 2012. He was educated in the public schools of Charleston, SC where he graduated valedictorian of the Burke High School Class of 1961. He attended Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa where he was named [...]
National Women Physicians Day – February 3, 2023
Every year, National Women Physicians Day is celebrated to honor the achievements of women in the medical profession. This day is an opportunity to recognize and thank all the female doctors who have dedicated their lives to providing care and support for patients. This year, we take special notice of African-American women physicians who have broken barriers in medicine and made a difference in countless lives. We celebrate their courage, tenacity, and commitment to excellence that has made them role models for many generations of aspiring physicians. At CCMS, we are deeply grateful for all the women physicians who [...]
Dr. Rose Delores Gibbs
The photographs from 1971 and circa 2010-2015 are courtesy of the Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, SC First African American woman graduate, College of Medicine 1973 Dr. Delores Gibbs was born in Moncks Corner, SC in 1946. After graduating in 1969 from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, Gibbs applied and was accepted into the College of Medicine. She was among the first African American women accepted into the College of Medicine and was the first to obtain a degree in 1973. From 1972 to 1977, Gibbs served a residency in Internal Medicine at Howard University Hospital and went on [...]
Revisiting Harriet Tubman as Both a Healer & Intellectual
Join the Waring Historical Library for the 2023 Black History Month Lecture featuring Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owen’s presentation on the Harriet Tubman community work through entrepreneurship, abolitionism, herbalism, and institution building. As a historian of medicine, Cooper Owens has documented the importance of Black women's healing practices to the development of American medicine. Herbalism is one of the foundations of their healing arts (and Harriet Tubman was skilled in this artform). In her presentation, Dr. Cooper Owens hopes to reveal Tubman as more than a courageous freedom fighter; but also, as a fierce intellectual figure. Join us to gain a new [...]
Healthlinks January/February 2023
Check us out in the January/February 2023 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
Catching Up with the Waring | December 2022
Upcoming Free Events
2022 Annual Membership Meeting
VIEW PHOTOS OF THE MEETING In case you didn't get a chance to visit our sponsors, here is more information about them and how to contact them: CellSEP, LLC Fulcrum Risk Solutions PNC Bank Sleep Better South Carolina ProSomnus Technologies Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC Crescent Hospice FitLIFE HHK Healthcare Marketing Specialists Healthlinks Heartland Home Foods Independent Optical Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 6:00 Registration/Cocktails/Social 6:45 Welcome/Call to Order - Dr. Cleave Ham 6:50 Invocation 6:55 In Memoriam, CCMS members 2021-22 – Dr. Biemann Othersen Robert H. Bowles, MD, September 3, 1942 – August 19, 2022 [...]
Docs Adopt
WHAT IS DOCS ADOPT? Docs Adopt partners physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with local schools to serve on the school wellness committee. This offers physicians a structured opportunity to provide support, knowledge, and motivation to schools as they implement evidence-based strategies and promote a culture of wellness. There are no clinical responsibilities or services rendered as part of this volunteer role. Click Here to learn more.
Healthlinks November/December 2022
Check us out in the November/December 2022 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
Catching Up with the Waring | Oct 2022
Upcoming Free Events
SC mobile optometry bill signed into law
Congratulations to Mr. Henry Blackford, III and all the CCMS School Health Committee Members for being the driving force that enabled House Bill 4837 to be signed into SC law. Last December, the Charleston County Medical Society members of the School Health Committee, wrote a letter in support of the Vision To Learn program in Charleston County School District schools by bringing a mobile van with a South Carolina licensed optometrist to perform modified screening and full refraction on students from kindergarten through high school. [Read The Letter of Support] The letter was signed by the following: Janice [...]
Dr. Thaddeus J. Bell Receives The Order of the Palmetto Award
The Lowcountry Jazz Festival and the Charleston Gaillard Center on Wednesday announced that festival founder Dr. Thaddeus J. Bell will receive The Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian honor awarded by the Governor of South Carolina. “Dr. Bell’s lifetime of service to his neighbors and fellow South Carolinians is something we can all celebrate, and I’m proud to have had the opportunity to recognize him with the state’s highest civilian honor,” said Governor Henry McMaster. The Order of the Palmetto recognizes lifetime achievement and service by South Carolina residents and those born in the state. A prominent physician [...]
Stop by the Park Circle Gallery, North Charleston, SC to check out Dr. Hagerty's new works of art! On view Sep 7 - Oct 1, 2022 Surrealist Oil Paintings by Richard Hagerty
CCSD 2021-2022 School Year
View Slideshow
SC Academy of Family Physicians – Dr. Kay Durst
Dr. Kay Durst was recognized for her years of service with the SC Academy of Family Physicians. She was honored for serving over eight years on the board and as the Vice President for two years. The Academy serves over 2900 physicians, residents, and medical students in SC. Congratulations, Dr. Durst!
Telehealth Helped During Covid – Are Politicians Going to Let Us Keep The Freedom?
Read the Article Telehealth Helped During Covid – Are Politicians Going to Let Us Keep The Freedom? Marcelo Hochman MD As the world returns to pre-pandemic status, the innovations we’ve gained in the past two years shouldn’t go with it. During the COVID-19 crisis, increased access to previously restricted telehealth was one silver lining. Medicare patients were able to receive care safely in the comfort of their homes once the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services lifted long-standing bureaucratic obstacles. Patients made good use of their new health freedom. An [...]
CCSD Wellness Award presentation to Montessori Elementary
Pictured from left to right: Angela Wicke, Program Coordinator, MUSC Boeing Center for Children's Wellness Dr. Cleave Ham, President, CCMS Dr. Katharyn Ouzts, Co-Director CCMS, School Health Committee Dr. Jan Key, Co-Director, CCMS School Health Committee Ruth Sword, Montessori Elementary Wellness Leader
South Carolina puts hospitals ahead of patients, again
Read the Article Hospitals promise affordable, accessible care, but patients often experience something different. When they need treatment, they find themselves herded into fewer, bigger and more costly medical systems. South Carolina had a chance to change the landscape this year by passing Senate Bill 290. The measure would have ended a government regulatory regime that limits the availability of medical facilities and services by requiring a certificate of need. Essentially, a certificate of need works like a . . . (read the entire article)
Hospitals Shouldn’t Get to Choose Their Competition
Read the Article Somebody call an eye doctor. Two of South Carolina’s largest hospital systems have gone to war over allegations of unfair trade practices, and neither side can see the hypocrisy. A lawsuit brought by the Medical University of South Carolina accuses Trident Medical Center and its affiliate company, Tennessee-based HCA Healthcare, of “wholesale poaching” and “conspiracy.” Specifically, MUSC says Trident raided its head-and-neck cancer treatment unit in 2021 and lured away several top doctors. Trident issued a statement in response, saying it merely wants to provide “exceptional care” for patients. A $1.7 million settlement with MUSC... [read the [...]
Letter to SC House of Representatives – CON Repeal
May 2, 2022 To the Members of the House of Representatives, As you consider S290, the bill that addresses the Certificate of Need (CON) regulations we ask that you keep in mind those to whom this matters most: the people of South Carolina – your constituents, our patients. By voting to repeal CON you would be on the side of patients who for 40 years have suffered the consequences of CON. Remember, of the five things CON was to do NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS COME TO FRUITION. Our State has consistently made the bottom of lists with regard [...]
SCMA Annual Meeting Report 2022
Hot Topic presentation by Dr. Annie Andrews, “Children, Guns, and Safety” with 260 gun locks distributed to attendees (with contact information gathered for follow up) The resolution authored by Dr. Lara Wine Lee was approved with revisions. RESOLUTION NUMBER: C- 9 REDUCING UV EXPOSURE IN CHILDREN Authors: Charleston County Medical Society School Health Committee “RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association strongly encourages reducing barriers to adequate sun protection; RESOLVED; that the South Carolina Medical Association encourages schools and support legislation to allow students to access sunscreen at school without restriction and without requiring physician authorization; RESOLVED; that the [...]
Free Skin Cancer Screening – Volunteers Needed
Click Here for More Information
Eczema sufferers in SC gear up for peak flare season as temperatures rise
For millions of people in the United States with eczema, the beginning of springtime can bring welcomed relief, especially if your skin flares in drier seasons. But some with the condition may find the warmer season is when the condition can be the most unbearable. Eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes itching and redness, affects over 10 percent of the U.S. population and usually occurs on the hands, inner elbows, knees and around the eyes. Dr. Lara Wine-Lee, an eczema expert and dermatologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, said a lot of people with the condition [...]
Hot Off the Presses: WLS Spring 2022 Newsletter!
Waring Library Society Newsletter
Dr. Annie Andrews to Speak at College’s Bully Pulpit Series
The Bully Pulpit Series at the College of Charleston will host a town meeting with South Carolina 1st Congressional District Democratic candidate Dr. Annie Andrews on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 5 p.m. in room 101 of the Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center located at 58 Coming Street. Doors open for this event at 4:30 p.m. Please note that CofC has a clear bag policy for this event and only clear bags will be allowed in the building. Dr. Annie Andrews is an associate professor of pediatrics [...]
March Parent Workshop – Tough Conversations, March 17, 2022
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce the March Parent Workshop 5:.30-6:30 PM - Vaping Marijuana: What Every Parent Needs to Know Renee Richardson, BS, CPSPSarah Halse, CSPSThe Charleston Center 6.30-7:30 PM - Myth Busting Cannabidiol (CBD) Health Claims Dr. Anna Kirkland, Medical University of SC, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesSponsored By:The Charleston County School District ADAPT programThe Charleston CenterMUSC Youth CollaborativeMUSC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
Voted Best Primary Care Doctor 2022
Please congratulate our colleague and fellow Board member Dr. Kay Durst who has been voted the “ The Best Primary Care Doctor” for 2022, presented by Healthlinks. A well-deserved award! -- Cleave Ham, MD
February Parent Workshop – Tough Conversations, February 17, 2022
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce the February Parent Workshop 5:.30-6:30 PM - Talking About Mental Health: Anxiety and ADHD Samantha McKenzie, LMSW and Taylor Phills, MA EdS Illumil 6.30-7:30 PM - Teen Substance Use What You Want to Know Renee Richardson, BS, CPSP Sarah Halse, CSPS The Charleston Center Sponsored By: The Charleston County School District ADAPT program Illumii The Charleston Center For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
The Waring Historical Library February Events Calendar
Upcoming Events
Hospitals Shouldn’t Get to Choose Their Competition
Read the Article Somebody call an eye doctor. Two of South Carolina’s largest hospital systems have gone to war over allegations of unfair trade practices, and neither side can see the hypocrisy.A lawsuit brought by the Medical University of South Carolina accuses Trident Medical Center and its affiliate company, Tennessee-based HCA Healthcare, of “wholesale poaching” and “conspiracy.” Specifically, MUSC says Trident raided its head-and-neck cancer treatment unit in 2021 and lured away several top doctors.Trident issued a statement in response, saying it merely wants to provide “exceptional care” for patients. A $1.7 million settlement with MUSC... [read the whole article] [...]
Dr. Thaddeus Bell-Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Vision Award
Read the Article Founder of Closing the Gap in Healthcare, fellow physician, CCMS Board member, and CCMS Healthcare Disparities Committee Chair, received the Joseph P. Riley Vision Award at the YWCA Greater Charleston’s 50th Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on Thursday, January 13, 2022. Recognizing model corporate citizenship, the annual award is named for Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr., who served as mayor of the City of Charleston from 1975 to 2016. It recognizes an individual, corporation, or institution who achieves outstanding and favorable recognition in their field or industry; promotes diversity and equal opportunity through [...]
Doctor of the Day
Sign up for Doctor of the Day
SC senators seek to end Certificate of Need regulation for hospitals, medical facilities
January Parent Workshop – Tough Conversations, January 20, 2022
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce the January Parent Workshop Topics to be Discussed: 6.00 PM - Vape Talk for Parents Presented by: Megan Austin: - Smokefree SC. Communicattons Coordinator MPH candidate and Dr. Lochrane Grant, Retired Pediatrician For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
The Waring Historical Library Upcoming Events Calendar
Upcoming Events
Healthlinks January/February 2022
Check us out in the January/February 2022 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
CON Repeal ACTION NEEDED from Physicians
Email Holly Pisarik, the SCMA Senior VP of Advocacy and Policy Counsel, at , or if more convenient, by calling her directly at 803-543-4894.
How vaccines work and how you can help them to work better
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A Letter From the Front Lines of Quarantining With Kids
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Inside the ICU with Dr. Kent Stock
Dr. Kent Stock, Infectious Disease Physician, recently interviewed by Roper St. Francis Healthcare Watch here
Healthlinks September/October 2021
Check us out in the September/October 2021 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
North Charleston doctor offers vaccine facts and guiding hand
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Aging for Amateurs: Another COVID-19 column!
Read the Article
South Carolina Physicians for the Protection of Children in Schools
Sign the Petition
Listen to your doctor — mask up until all kids are protected
Read the Article Post and Courier Op-Ed (PDF)
Janice D. Key School Health Visionary Award
Ellen Nitz, CCSD Director of Nursing, won the 2021 Janice D. Key School Health Visionary from the SC School-Based Health Center Collaborative CONGRATULATIONS!
New location for East Cooper OB/GYN medical group
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Dr. Hochman quoted in Marketplace Morning Report
This affects health care workers, too, said South Carolina surgeon Marcelo Hochman. Noncompete agreements can restrict young physicians at the start of their careers. Read the Entire Article
Grand prize winner – James Island Elementary School (JIES)
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Click for More Information Click for Hotel Reservations
Media Release – School Health Committee News!
Read the Press Release
Yaffee and Dr. Marcelo Hochman Discuss Problems in Our Healthcare System
On June 11, 2021, Dr. Hochman was interviewed by Yaffee on WVNN. Listen here
After COVID: 3 things that states can do now to fix health care
To improve health care, there are a number of steps that states should be taking, including tax reforms and getting rid of CON laws. By Dr. Marcelo Hochman and Daryl James (Opinion contributors) Policymakers talk about comprehensive health care reform. They see a broken system and want to fix everything at once. Emergency room workers can relate, but they take a more strategic approach when patients arrive with multiple injuries. Through triage, they prioritize problems and apply isolated but related interventions to save lives. Fixing the health care system can work the same way. COVID-19 has exposed a range [...]
Parent Workshop – Tough Conversations – Session 7
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session 7 Topics to be Discussed: Stress and African American Children & Adolescents Approaching Anxiety in Youth Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
SCMA Firearm Safety Resolution
Congratulations to Dr. Annie Andrews, Dr. Jan Key, and the entire CCMS School Health Committee! Their resolution regarding firearm safe storage counseling, which was sponsored by CCMS and submitted to the SCMA House of Delegates at the 2021 SCMA Annual Meeting, was adopted by the SCMA delegates on April 25. This resolution encourages practicing physicians in South Carolina to use patient encounters as an opportunity to discuss firearm safety and safe storage practices and supports efforts to inform the public about safe storage of firearms.
Initiative to Encourage Vaccination in Communities of Color
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Anti-competitive, outdated laws must be repealed!
Research confirms that CON laws lead to higher costs and less access for patients. Both sides of the aisle agree! Tell your lawmaker that these anti-competitive, outdated laws must be repealed by signing this petition today! View full info packet The Certificate of Need (CON) conversation is back up in the South Carolina Senate! Senator Wes Climer proposed a full repeal of CON on the Senate floor today (Tuesday) and now also receives support from Democratic Senator Dick Harpootlian. The issue is expected to resurface as soon as tomorrow in the Senate. The time to engage is today. Now is the time to contact members of the [...]
COVID-19 Exposes Pitfalls of SC Certificate of Need Program
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Message from the School Health Committee
The Vaccines for Children program (VFC) provides federally purchased vaccines to approximately 50% of children in the United States, including children who are enrolled in Medicaid or who are uninsured or underinsured. CCSD is able to provide vaccines to students through VFC (thanks to Dr. Key), so that they can be up to date and eligible to attend school each year. The VFC was created in 1993, though, so it needs some updating. There’s a new federal bill called The Strengthening Vaccines for Children Program Act of 2021 (just introduced in the House as H.R. 2347, about to be introduced in the Senate) [...]
Parent Workshop – Tough Conversations – Session 6
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session 6 Topics to be Discussed: Medication Misuse in Teens Recognizing Depression in Adolescence Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
“I Got It!” campaign
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Statewide Virtual Be SMART Presentation
Dr. Annie Andrews, CCMS School Health Committee Member, to volunteer at statewide BeSMART Presentation on April 13th at 8pm Be SMART is a national AAP-aligned program that aims to reduce pediatric firearm injuries and deaths through adult-directed education on responsible firearm storage. You will learn how you can incorporate the Be SMART program into your practice or how to share this life-saving information with your neighbors. RSVP Here
Vaccine hesitancy not just for the needle-phobic
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What to expect when you’re expecting your 2nd COVID-19 vaccine
Read the Article
2021 W. Curtis Worthington, Jr. Essay Contest Application
Essay Contest Application James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board
The Waring Historical Library-March 2021 Event Calendar
WLS 2021 March Events James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board
Parent workshop – Session 5 – Rescheduled
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session 5 Teen Anxiety and Youth Vaping will be Discussed Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
Mental Health Resource slides from Mayor’s Wellness Committee
Annie Lintzenich Andrews MD, MSCR CCMS Liaison with the City of Charleston Wellness Committee Due to COVID-19, more individuals are seeking mental health services. Click the link below for mental health resources available throughout the tri-county area.
Commentary: Take it from pediatricians, open-carry gun law will endanger SC children
Dr. Betsy Oddo is a Pediatric Hospital Medicine fellow and a member of the CCMS School Health Committee. Read the Article
Parent workshop – Session 4
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session Four Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
Meet the CCMS Scholarship Recipients
CCMS awarded a $2,000 cash scholarship to each of these five medical students: M. Caroline Spitznagel, M4 Turner Rainwater Byers, M3 Austin McCadden, M4 Ryan Wilkins, M1 Lauren "Evey" Adams, M2 We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and perseverance! Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!
Black History Month Lecture Featuring Dr. Rana Hogarth
REGISTER HERE “Professional Pursuits and the Making of Race: Medicalizing Blackness in the American Atlantic.” Dr. Rana Hogarth focuses on the medical and scientific constructions of race during the era of slavery and beyond. She is the author of Medicalizing Blackness: Making Racial Difference in the Atlantic World (University of North Carolina Press, 2017). She received her PhD from Yale University and currently is an associate professor at the University of Illinois in the Department of History.
Gun locks soon to be distributed to Charleston County School District nurses
Dr. Annie Andrews, CCMS, School Health Committee Member, in the News View Story
PRESS RELEASE Black and Hispanic/Latino faculty urge communities of color to take the COVID-19 vaccine
Parent workshop – Session 3
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session Three Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
ANNOUNCEMENT: Waring Library Society Spring 2021 Events!
WLS 2021 SPRING EVENTS James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board
Healthlinks January/February 2021
Check us out in the January/February 2021 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
Click the link below to schedule directly: Reason for visit: COVID VAX Insurance info - This is not a hard stop on the form. Enter something. Use your mobile phone number as the contact number Take a screenshot of the appointment confirmation for your records. Bring some sort of identification that shows you are a healthcare worker (employment badge, a letter from medical practice, healthcare license), etc. This is an honor system. -- Marcelo Hochman, MD President, CCMS
Medical Students Scholarship
We are delighted to have over 60 medical students as CCMS members. At the Annual Meeting, we will be awarding $2,000 scholarships to five medical students. The recipients may use these funds at their discretion. Please continue to invite medical students to join CCMS for free. They are the future of CCMS!
How Do Independent Physicians Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine?
The SCMA has been sending out information on registering to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for several weeks. With the arrival of the vaccine this week, physicians have had many questions these last few days. Below is a list of the questions we are getting a lot of, along with the answers, in hopes of helping everyone through this process. Please note #3: How does my office receive the vaccine for our practice - physicians and staff? First and foremost, you cannot be in the pool to receive the vaccine if you do not enroll in the vaccine program. To [...]
COVID-19 Vaccinations for Physicians and Staff
Please see the latest information from DHEC regarding physician and staff enrollment for the COVID-19 Vaccine Read: Vaccine Enrollment Letter (11-19-2020) Read: COVID19 Vaccine Enrollment Letter Dr. Linda Bell (10-28-2020)
Health Care Heroes – CCMS Honoree in COVID response
Read the CCMS Nominee Story Here
Parent workshop – Session 2
The CCMS School Health Committee and the Charleston County School District are excited to announce Parent Workshop - Session Two Tough Conversations For More Information contact Linda Ballinger at
The answer is still ‘wear your mask’ and ‘keep your distance’
Read the Article
SCMA Involvement COVID/Vaccine/Planning Update
From: Richele Taylor, SCMA, General Counsel & Senior Vice President Of Advocacy & Communications ---- I know that everyone is busy, so I want to take a moment to highlight a few items the SCMA is currently working on/involved in. I have forwarded our last Alert that featured the top two items, as well as attaching a PDF on the third item of interest below. Please forward this email to other physicians and let them know the great things that the SCMA is involved in on COIVD-19 issues and the vaccine distribution. First, the SCMA is part of the [...]
CCMS Members can feel proud of the fact that due to the success of our PPE PROJECT CCMS is able to award .... As the founder of the PPE PROJECT CCMS receives an ongoing donation reflective of sales – which is used for scholarships for deserving medical students. CCMS is pleased to announce that we will be awarding five cash scholarships to MUSC Medical Students. [Did you know that students can join CCMS for free?] Each student will be given a $2000 check directly to be used toward whatever needs they may have. We feel that this direct aid [...]
Speaker’s Bureau
The CCMS School Health Committee in conjunction with the Charleston County School District has developed a Speaker's Bureau. This is designed to allow physicians to virtually speak to parents and students about any health-related issue. The subject matter varies widely from gun safety to sun exposure. Please contact Dr. Janice Key or Dana Holladay if you are interested in speaking to the community through this unique program. Or feel free to fill out the Substance Abuse/Mental Health Survey and we will contact you.
PPE Liquidation
WE HAVE PPE FOR OUR MEMBERS! Thanks to several generous donations and our PPE Project group buying initiative, we now have an ample supply of PPE we are offering at a significantly discounted MEMBERS ONLY price. We are giving our members first dibs. (Not a member yet? JOIN NOW!) PPE for sale at a significant discount (average discount 50%) for MEMBERS ONLY.KN95 Masks (50 pack) $1.00 each - $50.00 BoxDisposable Tri-Fold Masks (50 pack) .15 each - $8.00 Box Disposable Non-medical Isolation Gowns (15 pack) $1.33 each - $20.00 BoxFace Shields (50 pack) .84 each - $42.00 BoxTo place an [...]
We’ve Been Nominated!
CCMS was nominated as a Healthcare Hero for our COVID response - the PPE PROJECT which continues to this day! As the founder of the PPE PROJECT, CCMS receives a donation reflective of sales – this allows us to award scholarships to local medical students. CCMS is excited to report that we have been nominated as a Health Care Hero in the COVID Response Category. Get your free tickets to this event today!
Success! Townhall!
Our recent Townhall proved to be very informative and well-liked. The site had over 600 visits in the span of a week. That is an amazing increase of more than four times the normal visiting rate. The candidates graciously shared their time with us to answer your questions. Thank you for your input and interest.
Charleston to Charleston Literary Festival
James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board Brochure
Healthlinks November/December 2020
Check us out in the November/December 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
MUSC pediatric doctors report recent uptick in firearm injuries in children
By, Rachel Ellis Watch the Video
The Pandemic Century
REGISTER HERE The Waring Historical Library is co-sponsoring this event with the Charleston to Charleston Literary Festival.
Waring Library Society Summer 2020 Newsletter
James H. Tolley, MD, MAT President, Waring Library Society Board Read Entire Newsletter Here
Healthlinks September/October 2020
Check us out in the September/October 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
PPE Donated to the Charleston County School District
Ellen Nitz Director of Nursing Services CCMS was pleased to be able to donate 1000 non-sterile surgical gowns to the school nurses for CCSD! It is always a pleasure to be able to give back to our community.
Independent health practices in SC using group buying power to get PPE by Jason Raven
CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WIS) - As state governments, large health systems, and others scrambled to stockpile personal protective equipment (PPE), small independent health practices in the state struggled to keep up. Read the full story. is the brainchild from CCMS and has delivered over 2.5 MILLION PPE across the nation. Purchase PPE at (Free shipping at $500)
250,000 KN95 masks donated for frontline workers and first responders CHARLESTON COUNTY
The donation was made by Josh Lambert and his team at inFocus Healthcare Consultants. Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg, Dr. Robert Ball, MUSC I.D. Epidemiologist, Dana Holladay, Charleston County Medical Society Administrator, Josh Surratt, Seacoast Church Lead Pastor, and representatives from the offices of U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC-01) joined Josh Lambert, inFocus Healthcare Consultants President, for the event. 20,000 of these KN95 Masks were donated to the Charleston County Medical Society. Thanks to Mr. Lambert for his donation in coordination with Mayor Tecklenburg, Senator Scott, and Rep. Joe Cunningham, CCMS will distribute these 20,000 [...]
Aging for Amateurs: Where you won’t see me during the pandemic
Read the Article
Healthlinks July/August 2020
Check us out in the July/August 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
Member Highlights
Jessica Tolley-McLendon ’08 Tolley-McLendon, an emergency medicine physician in Savannah, Georgia, spoke of her pride in the team of health care workers and first responders with whom she works: “We have seen decreased Emergency Department visits but higher acuity (sicker) patients. This has been a very scary time, but I am very proud of our “front liners” (health care workers and first responders). We have been very brave through this pandemic and have stepped up to the task at hand.” Like many health care providers, she takes many precautions to protect her family. “I am sure to always wear [...]
Don’t fall for any of the COVID-19 quackery
Read the Article
Healthlinks May/June 2020
Check us out in the May/June 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
Coronavirus Information
Recently, Dr. Robert Ball, a researcher and certified infectious disease specialist, provided a presentation further detailing what residents should know about the coronavirus. [Post and Courier] [pdf] The Public Health Committee is providing public access to the presentation and future updates. Dr. Ball is maintaining updated versions with more information. You can view all updates here.
Opportunity to Help Our Local Schools
We have been given the opportunity to work with Dr. Elise Emrath, Pediatric Intensivist at MUSC, on creating wellness-focused videos that will be shared with the Charleston County School District. CCSD has offered to videotape and post them on their website as well. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Emrath at
Dr. Seuss Week
When Doctors get involved in their communities, it can inspire a love of learning. Doctors Richard Gross, Marcelo Hochman, and Bill Simpson recently helped North Charleston Creative Arts Elementary students celebrate Dr. Seuss week. Thank you Renee' Rountree, MUSC Youth Collaborative Community Outreach Coordinator, and Donetta White-Gamble, MA, CDF, Career Specialist, CCSD, for allowing us to be a part of this event.
Healthlinks March/April 2020
Check us out in the March/April 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
For Immediate Release
Palmetto Promise Institute – Repealing Certificate of Need Regulations PRESS RELEASE by Palmetto Promise Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 22, 2020Media contact: Oran P. Smith, PhD PPI Senior Fellow (803) 360-1194 Palmetto Promise Introduces Healthcare Freedom Agenda with Support from Physicians and Lawmakers COLUMBIA, S.C. (Jan. 22, 2020) – Palmetto Promise Institute, joined by Senators Wes Climer, Tom Davis, and Mike Gambrell, introduced a Healthcare Freedom Agenda for South Carolina at a news conference Tuesday morning. Reforms include protecting Direct Primary Care, repealing Certificate of Need regulations, empowering patients with the Right to Shop for healthcare [...]
Recipient of the School Health Service Award
The South Carolina School Nurse Association is pleased to announce Dr. Janice Key as the 2019-2020 Recipient of the School Health Service Award. Her lifelong dedication to school wellness and healthy lifestyles has provided proven positive outcomes for many of our students and families throughout the state. We thank you for all your support of school nurses and are honored to have you as our CCSD Medical Consultant. Congratulations Dr Key!
CCMS booth at the Health & Wellness Expo 2020
Come Visit Us at the 2020 Health and Wellness Expo More info here...
Healthlinks January/February 2020
Check us out in the January/February 2020 issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issue CCMS sponsors a topic. Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming articles.
CCMS Members that Passed Away in 2019
On April 2, 2019, Peter Christopher Gazes, M.D. passed away. On October 30, 2019, Coplon Bluestein, M.D. passed away. December 12, 2019, Frederick Eugene Reed Jr., M.D. passed away.
CCMS Annual Membership Meeting
Thursday, December 19, 2019, from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Country Club of Charleston 1 Country Club Drive Charleston, SC 29412 Keynote Speaker: United States Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome M. Adams, MD, MPH Due to special requirements and limited seating, attendance will be limited to Ticket Holders. Note: CCMS Members in good standing are entitled to claim ONE FREE TICKET Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows entitled to ONE FREE TICKET by joining CCMS (Free) CLICK HERE TO GET TICKETS
Healthlinks November/December
Check us out in the November/December issue of Healthlinks DID YOU KNOW? Each issueCCMS sponsors a topic.Let Dana know of your ideas for any upcoming
Healthlinks September/October
Check us out in the September/October edition of Healthlinks Magazine.
Congratulations to James Henry Tolley, MD, MAT, Assistant Professor
James Henry Tolley, M.D., MAT, is a native of Charleston, SC, a graduate of Clemson University and received his Master’s Degree from The Citadel. He received his MD degree from The Medical University of South Carolina in 1985. Dr. Tolley completed his residency in Family Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice. Upon completing his residency in Family Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia in 1988, he was invited to be an attending there in the Emergency Department as Assistant Professor of Surgery. With his mother being [...]
Walter E. Limehouse, MD, MA, FACEP, Associate Professor Retires
Dr. Walter Limehouse retired June 30, 2019 after 22 years at MUSC. He graduated from MUSC in 1974 and completed his medicine internship at Hospital St. Raphael/Yale in New Haven, CT before serving in the US Public Health Service in Wilkesboro NC. His general medical practice with the National Health Service Corps sponsored among the first free-standing nurse practitioner offices in NC. In 1977 he returned to residency, this time in pathology, at Miriam Hospital/ Brown in Providence RI, serving as chief administrative resident for three years. During residency he developed a conference on environmental pathology co-sponsored by Brown [...]
Fletcher C. Derrick, Jr., MD, Retires
As of June 30, 2019, Dr. Fletcher C. Derrick, Jr. will be retiring from the practice of urology at Lowcountry Urology Clinics and from the staffs of Roper and St Francis Hospitals. Dr. Derrick was a junior intern at St. Francis in 1957 while in Medical School at MUSC and subsequently several rotations at both Roper and St. Francis. Derrick joined the US Army Medical Corps as a senior student at MUSC. Upon graduation, he completed his internship at Martin Army Hospital in Fort Benning, Ga., and shipped out to Germany to serve in the 8th Division Artillery as [...]
Healthlinks July/August
Check us out in the July/August edition of Healthlinks Magazine.
CCMS presents the Rising Star Award
Dr. Hochman, President of CCMS, presented the Rising Star Award to Meeting Street at Burns Elementary on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at the Wellness Achievement Ceremony.
Dr. Hochman’s Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal CVS/Aetna Merger
Read the full article on the Wall Street Journal here: Wall Street Journal - Dr. Hochman's letter to the editor [pdf]
Congratulations to Dr. Richard Gross
We would like to recognize Dr. Richard Gross for his recent receipt of the Humanitarian Award from the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America. This is a terrific and well-deserved honor for Dr. Gross. Congratulations! Interesting Info about Dr. Gross: The son of a theologian/minister and schoolteacher, Richard Gross grew up in western New York and Pennsylvania. In 1961, he graduated from Alfred University, where he was a forgettable Division III athlete(football, wrestling), but compensated for that with an undistinguished academic record. He then went south to Duke for his MD degree, exposing him to the sun, if you can’t get [...]
Dr. Hochman Interview on Accad&Koka
On June 3, 2019, Dr. Hochman was interviewed by The Accad & Koka Report. Listen here: For an automatic transcription, you can read and listen here:
CCMS Members Volunteer at Free Skin Cancer Screen
Drs. Hampton, Pearon Lang, Fiona Rahbar, CCMS members volunteered at free skin cancer screening organized by Dr. Todd Schlesinger - May 2019
Healthlinks May/June
Check us out in the May/June edition of Healthlinks Magazine.
The Doctor of the Day
SC Legislative Session begins on January 8, 2019, and ends on May 9, 2019. The Doctor of the Day Sessions are on Tuesdays from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m., and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m A resident will shadow the Doctor of the Day. If you are interested, contact Ginger Chalk at 803-612-4129 or email her at
CCMS Past President, Andrew McMarlin, DO and Docs Adopt
Dr. Andrew McMarlin and CCMS were referenced at the MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness was featured in a press release by Charleston County School District. Please take a look and see how CCMS partners with the Docs Adopt Program. Read the Article
CCMS President’s Recent Letter to The Honorable Richard J. Leon
Concerns regarding the proposed merger between CVS Health and Aetna Inc. There is no reason to believe the new entity would start passing on theoretical savings to customers in the face of less competition. We need more -- not fewer -- choices in health care. Read the Letter
Letter to Governor McMaster re Opioid blame.
Dear Governor McMaster,The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society would like to make you aware of our Commentary which appeared on Saturday, August 10, 2018, in the Post and Courier ( and which is attached to this letter.As stated, we welcome the attention to the issue of opioid-related deaths, dependence, and addiction. However, we strongly believe that the focus on restrictive and punitive controls on prescriptions is misplaced and will result in further detriment to our patients - your constituents. The national narrative in expert circles supports our position as do the greater than 5000 Tweets that [...]
CCMS question addressed at GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate
One of the CCMS questions was included in the recent GOP Gubernatorial Runoff Debate. Live from the Newberry Opera House; Governor Henry McMaster and John Warren debate.
CCMS is helping to make Doctors relevant in mid-terms
The physicians of the Charleston County Medical Society request that the candidates for governor of South Carolina publicly detail their positions on the topic of health care prior to the June primaries. Health care has been identified as the top concern for the mid-term elections in various polls and, as doctors and our patients’ advocates, we believe certain issues that specifically affect South Carolina should be addressed by the candidates. The topics below have been identified as being important to the sanctity of the reciprocal doctor-patient relationship, to provide opportunities for innovation in delivery of high-quality care at a [...]
Take Back Day ~ Return your meds on Saturday, April 28th
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. The DEA’s Take-Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.4 million Americans [...]
Behind the Bullets: An Epidemiologic Review of Firearm Injury and Death in the U.S. and a Public Health Approach to Reducing the Epidemic of Firearm Violence
This program was presented at MUSC College of Medicine Grand Round on September 28, 2017 by Drs. Robert Ball and Ashley Hink. This program will next be given at the Charleston Library Society on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 6pm. For more information call 843-723-9912 Download the PDF: "Behind the Bullets" View the presentation "Behind the Bullets"
Take Back Day ~ Return your meds on Saturday, October 28th
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. Saturday, October 28th 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
CCMS Docs Adopt ~ Rising Star Award
The CCMS School Health Committee works with MUSC Children’s Hospital Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness to promote wellness. Many Charleston County Schools participate in the Docs Adopt School Health Initiative© and have a doctor serve on their wellness committee. Recently CCMS President Todd Schlesinger presented the CCMS Rising Star Award to the school that should the most improvement in the wellness scores. DocsAdopt Rising Star Award (pdf)
Public Hearing : House Opioid Abuse Prevention Study Committee
Public Hearing that the House Opioid Abuse Prevention Study Committee will be holding in Charleston on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 from 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. The Public Hearing will be held at a meeting room at Trident Technical College, room to be announced. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 24, 2017 Speaker Lucas Creates House Opioid Abuse Prevention Study Committee Tasks Group with Finding Legislative Solutions to Curb Epidemic (Columbia, SC) – House Speaker Jay Lucas (District 65-Darlington) issued the following statement today upon appointing and creating the House Opioid Abuse Prevention Study Committee. This group will begin [...]
It’s Never Too Late To Vaccinate!
"IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO VACCINATE!" Influenza enjoys infecting folks 24/7/365 (although more in the so-called winter "flu season") than elsetimes. Vaccination is the absolute best preventative, not only preventing catching influenza but also greatly reducing hospitalizations, medical visits, and deaths. Adults can walk in to any pharmacy for a usually free shot. pediatric patients need an Rx. Currently, SC ranks among the top 7 states ranked by the CDC as "very high" in flu activity (especially among elderly folk), with hundreds of flu(+) hospitalizations, thousands of (+) tests, and 16+ deaths so far). Good clinical critical diagnosis (often with [...]
Better student health can help reduce education shortcomings
Congratulations to our CCMS member, Janice D. Key and the medical director for DHEC, Katherine J. Richardson's piece in Post & Courier. It’s such a positive story about CCMS’s efforts, and suggest an important, enduring role for our organization. Post & Courier article clip: BY JANICE D. KEY and KATHERINE RICHARDSON Kudos to Todd Garrett, a Charleston County School Board member who in his March 6 commentary addressed the fact that too many of our students are falling behind. Despite investing a tremendous amount of money and energy in different academic programs, not enough of our students are achieving grade level [...]
Register Today for the 3rd Annual CCMS Symposium What Does It Mean To Be A Doctor Today?
The new date for the 3rd annual symposium has been set to Thursday, February 9th, 2017. CCMS has proudly hosted two CME over events the last couple of years and we are gearing up for our 3rd Annual CCMS Symposium to be held on Thursday, October 6, 2016 February 9th, 2017. We listened to attendee feedback and have put together a program to address the burning question “What Does It Mean To Be A Doctor Today?”. We do not know if anyone can truly answer this question but our speakers will certainly try. Registration is open and we hope [...]
Letter from CCMS President, Shane Woolf, MD
Dear Fellow Charleston County Physician, On behalf of the Charleston County Medical Society board and our staff, I hope you are having a great year. With summer in full swing there is a lot I would like to share with you about CCMS activities so far this year, as well as a few dates to mark on your calendar. Here are but a few of the CCMS events and activities so far this year: Ongoing work with South Carolina Medical Association leadership and lobbyists to advocate for the medical physicians of our county CCMS sent a strong delegation to the [...]
AMA Zika Virus Resource Center For Physicians And The Public
With global infection rates of the Zika virus increasing rapidly, physicians should be prepared to handle possible cases of the virus and answer patients’ questions. No locally-acquired vector-borne Zika virus cases have been reported in the continental United States, but cases have been confirmed in returning travelers. The AMA will update this resource center regularly to provide information to the public, physicians and other health care workers as they seek to learn more. Click To View AMA Zika Virus Resources
Thank you CCMS delegates!
Thank you to all CCMS members who took the time to attend the SCMA Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach last weekend and serve as delegates for the Society! Your commitment to organized medicine and your participation at the meeting is greatly appreciated! Pictured: Shane Woolf, Todd Schlesinger, Cynthia Jones, Andy Pate, Margaret Mays, John Corless, Ettaleah Bluestein, F. Cleave Ham and Janice Key Not Pictured: Alex Ramsay, Biemann Othersen, Andrew Davidson, Ann Abel, Don Hurley, Joseph John and Byron Williams
CCMS reaches out to SC Medical Societies
The Legal Affairs Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society is sending this letter to the directors and presidents of South Carolina Medical Societies. Download the PDF CCMS request to endorse S1521 or view the letter in a popup box Dear Medical Society, The Legislative Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society (CCMS) is spearheading a project to advance the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015. This bill (S.1521) was introduced in the Senate of the United States by Senator Tim Scott (SC) and co-sponsored by Senator Rand Paul (KY). The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow [...]
CCMS endorses the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015 (S.1521)
The Legislative Committee of the Charleston County Medical Society (CCMS) is spearheading a project to advance the Charity Care Expansion Act of 2015. This bill (S.1521) was introduced in the Senate of the United States by Senator Tim Scott (SC) and co-sponsored by Senator Rand Paul (KY). The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow physicians to have a tax deduction for charitable care provided equal to the amount the physician would have otherwise been paid. This bill would create a simple avenue and incentive for doctors to provide uncompensated medical care, thereby improving and expanding access to [...]
CCMS Docs Adopt Initiative Wins National Award
MUSC’s Dr. Janice Key, right, of the Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness, receives the Wellness Frontiers Award from Debbie Witchey, executive vice president of the Healthcare Leadership Council, Feb. 18 Click to Read the Story Courtesy of The Catalyst. By J. Ryne Danielson
All 2015 Annual Meeting Photos
50 images showing the 2015 Annual Meeting.
Closing The Gap In Healthcare
Closing The Gap in Healthcare
A Game of Healing – Youth Movement in Charleston Schools
Dave Spurlock, director of physical education and health for the Charleston County School District demonstrates a balancing ladder in a 'Brain Room' at Stiles Point Elementary. 'You could say it’s chaos,' Spurlock said, 'but there’s really no chaos about it.' On October 20, 2015, The Washington Post published a story on the Youth Movement in Charleston Schools and featured CCMS School Health Committee member, Dave Spurlock, the coordinator of health, wellness and physical education for the Charleston County School District In these Charleston, SC schools, children are seen and heard and always active - Click the link to read the article [...]
Gun Violence – A Public Health Issue
Editorial Posted in the Post and Courier on November 8, 2015 Gun violence is a serious and growing public health issue in the United States of America. The current problem nationally: Every day in the United States there are 91 gun-related deaths on average or just under 16 per minute.... Click the link to read to entire article: Gun Violence - A Public Health Issue Authors: Robert T. Ball, MD (member of the CCMS Executive Committee and its Public Health Committee) and Richard C. Hagerty, MD (chairman of the board of Gun Sense SC and a CCMS member) The CCMS [...]
DocsAdopt : Our School wellness program, launched in Charleston five years ago, to expand to 12 or more districts
A school health program involving the simple combination of a checklist, school wellness committees and relatively small, year-end incentive awards that started in Charleston is spreading across South Carolina. Source: School wellness program, launched in Charleston five years ago, to expand to 12 or more districts - Post and Courier
Register Now for Race the Landing!
CCMS is proud to partner with Race the Landing! 2015 Thursday Night 5K Race & Kids Fun Run at Charleston Town Landing. Races for the Whole Family - Adults and Kids! CCMS and the School Health Committee have partnered with Race the Landing. If you are a member of CCMS or participate in any way with the Charleston County School District you can receive a discount on your registration fee for the races. Enter Promo Code "CCMS" to receive a 20% discount on the registration fee. 2015 Races Dates: May 7, May 14, June 4, June 11 and July 9 Details [...]
School Health Committee Wellness Achievement Ceremony
CCMS Members, if you have adopted a school come see if they win the wellness award! Free and open to the entire Charleston County School District and Charleston County Medical Society community: students, staff, parents, and community partners including all Docs Adopt participants and CCMS members! Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at West Ashley High School from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Move IT! Charleston County hopes to bridge gap between medicine and wellness – Post and Courier
A key component of Move IT! is to bridge the gap from rehabilitation to a lifestyle of wellness that is both affordable and easily accessible. Dr. Valerie Scott, a physician with Mount Pleasant Family Practice that is part of Roper St. Francis Physician Partners, has referred 50 of her patients to Move IT! and recently presented the program, along with PRC Executive Director Tom O’Rourke, to the Medical Society of South Carolina. via Move IT! Charleston County hopes to bridge gap between medicine and wellness - Post and Courier.
DHEC Health Advisory: Measles Clinical Assessment, Testing and Infection Control Guidance for Ambulatory Care Providers
Please find attached a DHEC Health Advisory that provides information on: Summary of a large multi-state measles outbreak Clinical assessment Measles testing Ambulatory Infection Control Recommendations Resources for Additional Information Measles Clinical Assessment Guide DHEC contact information for reportable diseases and reporting requirements. DHEC Advisory: Measles Clinical Assessment
CCMS School Health Committee and Docs Adopt Program
Dr. Kay Durst recognized for her work with Docs-Adopt and the Daniel Island School Dr. Kay Durst, MD She already had two boys, but Kay Durst was thoughtfully considering adopting. And though some would say she was perhaps overly ambitious to juggle a busy career as a family medicine physician with more kids, she would respond that it was because of her professional expertise that she would adopt a number of children. 1,300, to be exact. The Docs-Adopt program was launched in November 2010, when the Charleston County Medical Society and Charleston County School District partnered to pair [...]
Guard against flu
This year’s influenza season is proving to be a severe one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-P) recommends that everyone over six months of age receive an influenza vaccination each year. If you haven’t gotten yours, do it today. It is highly effective in either preventing flu or making the flu less severe. The vaccine cannot cause flu and usually produces no side effects or only a little soreness at the site of the injection. If you have already been vaccinated against flu, great — but remember to wash your hands regularly, cover coughs and sneezes with a [...]